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Pearl's Pov:

I felt a rage like something, or someone else as if it wasn't me I hear a door open, I glance up to see a white wolf with a dandelion coloured collar with a small moon shaped tag on it.

"Tilly?"I said out loud, the wolf would let out a happy bark trotting over to me with her tail wagging.

"Tilly baby!"I said with a smile on my face petting the wolf also giving it a hug! Me wantings to hurt others, myself that feeling went away went feel into a weird relief.I felt sane once again.


Gem's Pov:

"GRIAN! GRAIN! GIRAN! GET BACK HERE!"I would yell running after the three"STOP TAKING STUFF!!!! YOUR BEING A BAD INFLUENCE FOR GREGG!"I would yell once again but I noticed the four of them flying off. Is sighed turning around deciding to return to my base and continue working on it.

The past couple of days I'v been very confused and still don't understand what's going on with pearl to well.

I heard my communicator buzz so I pulled it out of my pocket checking chat

Rendog:Poke the frog!

InTheLittleWood:Burn the log!

Rendog:Pet the dog!

InTheLittleWood:Poke the frog!

Rendog:Burn the log!

InTheLittleWood:Pet the dog!

Rendog:Poke the frog!

InTheLittleWood:Burn the log!

Rendog:Pet the dog!

InTheLittleWood:Poke the frog!

Rendog:Burn the log!

InTheLittleWood:Pet the dog!

Geminitay:Whats happening?!?!?!


ImpulseSV:Ild rather pearl sane!

I closed my communicator it likely just being something random, Martynn and Ren decied todo.


Words: 227

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