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Gem's Pov:

"So basically from what you told me that my older sister is crazy which I already knew but apparently she has a alter ego from the last life games labelled as the scarlet witch and she goes insane loses all sanity and has an obsession with hurting herself and another dued who won the life games before the previous one who was pearls ally and my younger bird brain of a brother didn't tell me any of this?"I spurted out after ren explained what's going on, "Not quiet-"Tang said.

"Oh yes I forgot to mention I have a summoning spell for the evil demoness!"Ren said, "Ren! SHE ISNT A DEMON!!!!"I said not believing the fact,"Really? the fact Grian and scar hid in her tower one of the times and yelled 'WE GOT A PEARL AND YOUR TRAPPED IN HERE WITH HER!' also 'No one wants to deal with pearls insanity!' really proves your point"I heard bdubs say.

"waitttt so what was the reason impulse was tramutized from the most recent life games?"I remembered Impulse returning from the recent games shaking could barely talk had trouble breathing, it just randomly crossed my mind and it got me thinking.

"Oh yeah! also pearls doing!"Etho said coming into the room from down the hall where they were keeping pearl, "any updates?"Cleo said with a huff unhappy thinking this drama was all over before pearl killed her! "Grian is roumanging around the ruins of the double life server trying to currently find Tilly seeing Tilly is technically on her red life"Etho said rolling his eyes

"I still cant believe she won!"Ren said, "who's Tilly?"I would ask completely confused by this conversation at this point. "Ah yes pearls dog....that I accidentally killed....which is why me and Bdubs were the third last pair out of the series.."Impulse huffed at the last part.

"Yeah the dog that corrupted her-"Cleo said, "oh look who is agreeing with me!"martynn said entering the room "WHY is HE here?"Cleo protested seeing martynn, "Oh yes I was helping Grian find Tilly! But I was apart of the broken hearts club so I still gotta pet the dog!"Martynn said.

Grian walked in holding a white wolf in his arms some how it being half his size just putting it down, it has a fluffy warm coat by the looks of it and well looked after but seemed a little mess like wild wolf would just this one had a yellow collar with a small metal bit hanging from it, it was in a shape of a crescent-moon with Tilly engraved on it.

"FINALLY!"Impulse said getting straight up suddenly Enthusiastic, "Ima take Tilly down there, pearl sanity should return!"Grian said as he held the white wolf by its yellow collar leading it down the hall, I watched as Grian went out of view.

Grian's POV:

I opened the locked door and lead Tilly in they letting go of Tilly's collar once she was in and closing the door behind her. I turned around to see Gregg "son?" I said as I saw Giran my twin approach in his usual orange sweater and his orangey yellowing parrot wings as Grain stood behind him with his usual green sweater and wings, me and my two brothers are triplets, we are identical but Giran was more derpy than me and grain Grain like farming as Giran like making off brand stuff but we were all mischievous of course! "We found gregg with Grumbot near the rift!"Grain said

"Gregg how many times Have I told you to not cause trouble down there without me? I don't wanna miss out on anything!"I said look down at gregg the mini me.


The four of them went off todo there own thing


Third person:

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