😖Bitter Memories😣

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Hey lovely readers !! I hope , you all are going great ✌️🤗
This chapter is going to made you think so many things at the same time 💯

I wanted to give one more information, @triyam_aa , this is my instagram handle. Here I will be uploading spoilers and visuals of the Aarambh : Unique ishq kaa. Don't forget to check it out. I am giving the link of this ID in my bio section. Thank you for your kind time 😊

Enjoy Reading ❤️


I had told you earlier that, I only wanted a son who will carry the lineage of our family, he said throwing the glass of water on the ground , stood up from bed and looked into mummy's eye more angrily and continued.....I don't have enough money to fulfill their daily needs , do you have any idea, how I arrange food for all of you hnn?? What have you done for me.....I have only asked a son from you but you couldn't even gave me that either. He grabbed her neck tightly and said.....Listen, I am not earning to waste my money on these two .

He pushed her, due to which she collided with the wall making her head bleed and said , I don't want both of them in my house , pointing his fingers to us and said ,

" Do whatever you want to do with them ,Either leave them on road or throw them to any orphanage" , she begged him by wrapping her hands over his leg...please do not do this , what is their fault in this, they are innocent.....they are our daughters. He jerked his leg and kicked her on stomach , she growled in pain and said , then you also fucking leave....

"Either you will throw both of them out of my house or I will kill them right now" , he grabbed my hair tightly.....I was crying and shouting in pain but he was not leaving my hair.

Nooo....please don't do this, mummy pleaded him by joining both of her hand...then he brought knife from kitchen and placed on my throat.....tell me what will you do , take your decision fast otherwise I will kill her , he barked angrily. Mummy was crying and begging him to leave, but he wasn't. After few moments when blood started coming out from my throat because of the sharpness of knife , she said....okay!! I will do whatever you will say but please leave her!!

He left me, then he slowly walked to mummy , pressed her cheeks with his thumb and index finger tightly , tears were rolling down to her cheeks and said.....throw them out of my house and

"We will make another child and I will make sure that this time, it must be a son. Before I return , clear this mess" , he walked out of the house.

"I was small enough to understand all of this but big enough to remember all of this"

Mummy fell down on her knees and cried very hard for almost half an hour and I was sitting few meters away from her, holding my 5 year little sister's hand tightly who was sleeping beside me and I was crying silently .She wiped her tears and looked at me , forwarded her both hands in my direction, calling me towards her , I stood and went to her, she wrapped her hands around my waist and hugged me , we both cried....

"she was crying because of her helplessness , her destiny and I was crying because of what I just witnessed few moment back"

She left me and made me look into her eyes and said , Dhairya! I am sorry beta, I could not save you , I feel ashamed on myself that I am your mother, she lowered her head and cried silently and then took a long breath, wiped my tears with both of her hand ,lifted Ahana in her lap with one hand, held my hand with her other hand and moved out of the house. I was feeling scared , the feeling of leaving us alone on road is killing me so I asked her in trembling voice....

Maa hum kaha jaa rhe hai ?? ( where are we going mother ??)

"Where your destiny is taking you", she replied with plain expression in miserable condition.

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