Chapter Twenty-Five

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Lydia entered the house to be met with a few different ice sculptures being made. "Those are so cool," she said to a platinum blonde girl who was creating them. The girl looked up from the hydra sculpture she was making and spotted the strawberry blonde, "You Lydia?" she asked.

"Yeah," Lydia replied with a kind smile, "I take it you're Crystal?"

"Yeah," Crystal replied while Lydia started looking around the place. It was a darker house then she was use to but it was homey, she kind of liked it.

"You don't have to worry about fitting in," Crystal suddenly said making the girl look back at her in confusion, "I've noticed one thing when I go to camp, siblings tend to stick around each other but put personas on with other people. Mom can come across as opinionated because people think she's quiet and kind, she is, but she didn't want that persona, and they thought differently seeing her use a blade only Underworld demigods could use and then they found out her grandmother is Nyx. I come across as the icy queen because my Mother doesn't have the best reputation, but I know she watches and has the same opinion as mom and the others and gave me a blade made of unbreakable ice infused with Stygian Iron and said prove myself as the ice queen persona, don't let anyone hurt you. Stiles got a few looks when they realized how bad his ADHD is because of the mix of Hermes and Athena. Difference between Stiles and my mom and I, we don't have siblings there, Stiles does. The Hermes cabin immediately became protective of him and you'll notice Hermes has the most information on people as the unclaimed stay with them. You unfortunately will get looks about being Thanatos' legacy, but your siblings are not going to look at you any different. They have their own act they put up of the shopaholics obsessed with beauty and love—which they are, but they're also fighters, they secretly train—"

"And charmspeak can be a deadly defense," Lydia interrupted.

"Exactly. Apollo kids have their own act, and so do the Ares kids as the mean kids, and yet both take in Isaac who's the grandson of both of their fathers. It depends on what cabin you go too."

"So you and Sera didn't have anyone?" Lydia asked.

"We did," Sera said, walking in, "I gained my own reputation and the cabins that Crystal mentioned would come and talk to me and essentially take me under there wing. I got the favor of Mr. D and he allowed me to stay in his cabin as he had no children at the time so I didn't have to stay in the Big House."

"Hestia doesn't have a cabin?" Lydia asked.

"No, neither does Hades. The minor gods' children have no cabins to go to either so the Hermes children try to make them comfortable," Sera said.

"I've even seen some get directed to Mr. Ds cabin so the Hermes cabin can have space—but only if his sons don't mind them," Crystal added.

"That's sad," Lydia frowned.

"It is, but I suspect something is going to change soon," Crystal said.

"The prophecy?! Is the prophecy happening?!" Stiles' excited voice sounded from the door as he walked in with Peter.

"In about two years the ball gets rolling—this stays secret though," Crystal said looking at all of them.

A car then pulled up and a frazzled Adira walked in, "His Ares temper came in," she said, "Good thing I know how to fight," she added.

"A nine-year-old?" Kolby questioned walking in.

"Eh, think of it like a big dog that doesn't take a shot," Adira said with a shrug, then looked out, "Come and train with Peter," and a boy that Lydia can only assume to be Isaac stormed in with a big glare on his face and his fists clenched as he stormed to the back doors and out to the backyard as Peter followed.

Lydia got curious, "Stay at the door," Sera advised. Lydia nodded and soon a black haired girl and brown haired girl joined her, Crystal, and Stiles. "I'm Cora, that's Malia," the black haired girl whispered.

"Lydia," Lydia whispered back.

Isaac let out an angry scream, throwing his gloved hands at Peter getting angrier that they were being blocked. "Boxing?" Lydia asked.

"Oh, yeah, after Ares realized some of his children were really having problems with their tempers and how to deal with it, he wanted them to get into some kind of fighting training. He had said it would show in Isaac because Apollo does have a temper, but he can keep it really well," Sera explained.

"Really?" Lydia asked.

"Yes, if he lost his temper, the sun would feel hotter and he's also the God of Plagues," Sera pointed out.

"Anyway," Stiles continued for his godmother, "When you go to camp, you'll see the younger or the new arrivals in the Ares cabin in particular learn some kind of fighting with their hands so they can figure out how to distribute their anger."

"You have to do it too," Crystal pointed out.

"I know," Stiles groaned.

Lydia looked confused, now Malia leaned over, "His ADHD makes his mind constantly run. It's to get him to not concentrate on it and concentrate on keeping himself alive," she explained.

"When your banshee gene becomes active, you'll be practicing with one of your siblings cause assuming you'll want a spear, none of know how to use one," Sera pointed out, "Also because your siblings naturally aren't affected by charmspeak."

Soon Isaac walked in and suddenly stopped seeing Lydia and he blushed before walking off. "Aw, mini Aphrodite and Ares," Sera mumbled to Peter with a small smile.

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