Chapter Two

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Third POV

Kolby went to calm down the terrified five year old, Sera went out and happened to have a young wolf run into her, "You're Cora right?" she asked. The young child had nodded in tears, "Uncle Peter is still in there and alive, he put others out of misery," she sobbed.

"Listen, I know this is terrifying and it's fire destroying your home, but hold this," Sera made a small flame appear in her hand and held it out, Cora immediately thought this fire was different, it was warm but in a different way and her inner wolf told her to trust the woman. She grabbed the fire and noticed it didn't burn her; it actually calmed her a bit. When Cora looked back up, the woman was walking towards the fire, "Miss!" she called, startled but the redhead turned around and signaled her to wait. She truly hoped nothing happened to the nice woman, she didn't want anyone else to leave her, she felt the pack dying, her brother and sister left her, she still felt her uncle but he was being burnt.

A young girl and an older man appeared next to her, "Was a red headed woman with you?" the man asked. Cora nodded, "She gave me the pretty flame and walked in after I mentioned my uncle, who are you?"

"Kolby Night," he said. Cora's eyes widened recognizing the name, the woman must've been his daughter, the one her mom always teased her uncle for having a crush on. She was about to ask another question when they saw Sera come out, dragging Peter Hale with her. We rushed over, "Crystal, if you get too uncomfortable, go home, hi Bobby," Seraphina said. Bobby Finstock, also a son of Hermes had ran over seeing the smoke knowing it wasn't Seraphina.

"What happened?" he questioned.

"I'm pretty sure that damn Argent the idiot was dating just killed his family. I'm offended that as a fire user, that she used fire," Seraphina said. "Killed everybody but Peter, Cora, and her siblings, but those two left," Cora gasped as Peter's eyes widened and flashed blue and gold, she looked startled at the group, "We know you guys were werewolves, you didn't attack us so we didn't attack you, we already have other monsters that attack us, but don't think your uncle is a monster. You were right, he was putting people out of their misery, he was getting to weak too when I got their so I took the feeling of the fire away and took away their vision, they didn't feel or see anything," she assured the two remaining Hales. "I have a half brother that's going to be very curious, aren't I?" Bobby asked his cousin's father.

"Yup," was all Kolby said for the police to arrive and get rid of the fire.

"Mr. Night," Noah Stilinski came up to the group with some paramedics for Peter who had tensed, "You will be okay, we'll stay with Cora," he relaxed after Sera spoke and they took him away. Cora had latched on to Sera again as she watched with teary eyes seeing her uncle be taken. "What happened?" Noah asked.

"We don't know. We were at home, Crystal was asleep with her window opened, she prefers a cold breeze, and we were startled hearing her scream. We ran up there and saw her watching a fire happen where we knew the Hale House was. We rushed out and found Cora who had been rushed out of the house by her uncle who was trying to find other survivors before he had collapsed too. Cora said she had been abandoned by her older brother and sister, and my daughter managed to find Peter and pull him out," Kolby explained.

"Cora, did you see anything?" Noah asked the young girl.

"I saw my brother's girlfriend, she started the fire, Kate Argent," Cora explained. The medics wanted Cora to be checked out but she was scared, "Can Sera come with?" she asked motioning to the redhead.

"I don't mind," she said, knowing they were about to argue. At the hospital she could hear them arguing about who would take care of the small girl and Sera stepped out of the room seeing Cora's worried eyes, "I can take care of her. I already adopted another girl around her age and my father can watch her when I'm busy," she said. She was thankful she thought ahead and made a fake adoption certificate for Crystal when they needed proof of the other adoption.

"Okay, well we need to speak to Cora first," the officer said.

"That's okay, I'm going to go check on her uncle," Sera said before entering the room again as Melissa McCall was checking her lungs, "Cora, a lady is going to talk to you about some things and I can't be in the room but I will go check on your uncle, okay?" the girl nodded and Sera left the room finding where Peter was.

Once she found his room, she was surprised to see Apollo standing in there. "Apollo?"

The god looked up, "Sera, hi. I was seeing if he could be healed, I know you had an interest," he smirked.

"And can he?" she asked after rolling her eyes.

"Well with him being what he is, I would rather him be conscious so he doesn't snap at me when I'm trying to examine him and then he did just see his family burn and a bunch of bonds getting snapped, so I would want Dionysus to get a look and either he's going to get temporary access to leave the camp or you'll have to take Peter to him. If at best, I would rather trying to get Dionysus to leave. Not all our cousins are aware of the supernatural that doesn't hunt them so if a werewolf who is going feral were to come around, that would not be good if he snaps," Apollo explained, "And only because you're one of his favorite cousins did Dionysus agree to help," he added making the woman smile.

"Ms. Night?" the woman from earlier called. Sera looked back to see Apollo had left and Peter was tensed again, "We will do a trial run with you taking care of Cora Hale, we called your father and he already said you guys had room and Cora said she would like to stay with you. You will have people checking in randomly to see how she is doing," she said.

"Thank you," Sera said and the woman left.

Sera had bent over and kissed Peter on the forehead, "It will get better," she whispered and left to go find Cora and bring her to her new home. Peter, on the other hand, couldn't wait to see the redhead and his niece. He just needed to get better and wake up.

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