Chapter Five

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Third POV

Claudia and Stiles had stayed the night. After Apollo had finished cleaning off Peter's skin the best he could at the moment, he offered to check Claudia's condition which also answered the question of why Dionysus was still there. They made no argument about Stiles staying out, he would have find a way to get back into the room anyway, and he knew his mom was ill, he knew she had been snapping more at his dad (Noah) for staying out more. Like Luke, Seraphina taught Stiles about how busy Hermes actually was, that gods did care about their children in their own way. Stiles quickly learned the small presents he would find and could easily read had have been from him because he quickly figured out his mom and Noah's handwriting. He even learned it that day with Apollo letting Crystal and Stiles, who were not his children (even though he did bless Crystal) watch him and learn how he was cleaning Peter's skin. Stiles even picked up quickly why Dionysus doesn't call anyone by their actual names, he knew demigods were destined to die early in life and he didn't want to get attached, but some he just can't help, like his own children and Seraphina and Crystal.

Claudia had been informed that her condition was progressing a bit faster and that her mental state would go when she knew it was bad and they warned Stiles that she might go into demigod mode when her mental status started to go so he needed to be aware. Kolby, Seraphina, and Bobby were to be aware too, if Claudia went into that battle mode that a demigod has, she would attack anything she knew was not normal, the three of them were not normal, and two of them were currently housing two werewolves and a werecoyote.

Peter had gotten significantly better over night, but he still had quite a bit of damage. Apollo went over his skin again and Crystal would cool down the cloth he was using and practice cleaning the skin so Peter's skin would cool off a bit more. Apollo was actually starting to notice the werewolf was starting to look around more, he figured he figured he was looking for something, or someone, "Malia and Cora are still asleep and Sera is in the other room helping that other kid deal with the news he just received about his mother," he said and noticed Peter relaxed.

Apollo announced he would be back later to check over Malia and Cora and appeared back at Olympus only to come face to face with his twin, "Where have you been?! You usually drive the sun yourself and you haven't been doing it," she said.

"You never drive it yourself," was his argument, he was trying to find the library, I know Apollo is going to the library, it shocked Artemis too. What was also surprising was that Hestia was in there and so was Nyx, "Are we all here for the same thing?" Apollo asked motioning to the three of them, "Four," Dionysus said, walking in behind the twins, once again shocking Artemis.

"I have a theory, Hermes is helping a bit and so is Athena because she pointed us in the right direction, but I need Zeus because Hades might need to be up here, Hermes is getting Zeus and sending a message to Hades," Nyx spoke up just as Zeus walked in. "Is this about--?" he was cut off by the group nodding and he accepted it, "And this will involve Hades?" he asked to be sure. Nyx nodded and Zeus let Hades in and he entered the library and sat next to him, tablet in hand and Persephone popped up in a Iris Message.

"What is going on?!" Artemis finally snapped. A primordial was here in front of her, her twin wasn't making his usual annoying comments and was in the form of an adult, her Aunt Hestia was also a teenager at the moment, Zeus and Hades were getting along, Persephone was helping, and let's not forget Dionysus is helping too.

"I don't think you should tell her. She might attack them or go on about maidenhood," Aphrodite said as she walked in, surprising Artemis even more. She was then shooed out of the room and it was the library where Athena usually was and for some reason she was letting it happen. She didn't know Athena was actually visiting her daughter and grandson, giving her grandson a compass that was from her and Hermes. Hermes wore something similar so he could avoid monsters when he was delivering messages, he started giving them out to his children, some having an added affect, like Luke's and now Stiles' to know if it was their mothers that were the setting off the danger signal. If it was their mothers it would set off an alarm, a different one then the silent one that only the Hermes child could hear if it was a danger that was getting closer.

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