Chapter Twenty One

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(Well if it isn't one of the stories I'm having writers block and have to put in some time skips! Long time, no see!)

*Three year time skip*

Time passed by, the three children have been going to the camp for three years. Stiles managed to calm his hyperness a little bit unless he got excited. Being able to train more helped him with his energy. He proved valuable when Capture the Flag came around and he sided with the Hermes cabin while the Athena cabin was on the other side and led the team to victory. The Athena cabin let Stiles plan out the strategy against the Hunters and the Hunters experienced their first ever loss. On Olympus, Artemis was throwing a fit while Athena and Hermes were laughing at the fact their son/grandson won against the hunters.

Crystal learned more about her dreaming side and kept seeing visions of a war. She went to go talk to demigods whose parents have domains that involved a place. Silena met her mother for the first time and heard about what Aphrodite thought about the minor gods not being included. That saw a change in the Aphrodite cabin who started making friendships with the supposed children of minor gods. Luke heard about Crystal's vision and started spreading the word about the parental locations too. When Chris Rodriguez got claimed by Hermes, Luke had taken him to a nearby post office where Chris met him and Hermes apologized for not claiming him sooner. Chris had forgiven him after he received his compass and could see how from how much Hermes was running around and his list of pick-ups and deliveries, he really was a busy god. Then Crystal introduced Chris to Clarisse and left them to talk...or Chris to stammer while Clarisse raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

Isaac had spent a lot of time learning from his Apollo cabin mates. He was confused about the DNA thing in general, were they his aunts or uncles or was it not counting? It got explained to him, that as long as he doesn't date someone from the Ares or Apollo cabins, he should be fine. Anyway, Isaac learned more about healing but he didn't have as much hours in the medical cabin because he was also training a lot. He found out he was proficient in both the bow and arrow and a sword, which both his grandfathers gave him weapons for them.

When they return home, they tell Cora and Malia all about the adventures they experienced at camp. Isaac and Stiles usually stayed the night at the Night house when they returned. Adira had been dating Bobby after Bobby worked up the courage to ask her out a couple years ago. The poor man accidently screamed the question in the middle of the vet's office, scaring all the poor animals. The two usually had a date when Isaac returns. Stiles usually stayed because of his mother's condition which had very slowly deteriorated. He's had many more instances that he's had to run away.

Seraphina and Peter had been going strong. Sera stayed by Peter's side as Luna as they worked with neighboring packs to work against the hunters after finding out the Argents had targeted other packs. He spread the word about Laura and Derek no longer being considered Hales and that he wanted nothing to do with them. Sera and Peter were officially called "Mom" and "Dad" by Cora and Malia which made their days when it had happened. The two also spent their nights having meals off of the balcony—of course having to sit with the kids and Kolby on occasion. Peter still had nightmares about the fire and his dead family members but he was working through his trauma, some will still be there, but Sera made it better. However, Peter was also worried after he heard about Crystal's vision. His children and mate will be going to war at some point, he didn't know when, he didn't know if they'd all walk out of it alive, and he didn't like it.

After the three demigods were home for the summer of the year they all turned nine, Crystal had hurried into her parents room and shook them awake and gave a look of desperation. "Claudia is in the hospital and she's going to kill Stiles!" Crystal cried. Sera and Peter were immediately out of the bed, Kolby already being in the hall having been awake and now calling Adira, also followed behind them.

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