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The teenagers are now gathered in the living room once again after the speaker turned on

"I called everyone here to ask you all to go to the battleground and test out your abilities"

They were left stunned when the walls in front of them suddenly opened up, revealing a lift that looks really old

"You all are tasked to test them out, not to kill each other, understood?"

All of them nodded as they took turns to go down since the lift can only carry four persons at a time. Once they all have arrived their jaw dropped seeing how big the battleground is, the place is empty and it looks eerie because of how big and deep the place is

''Saint, why don't you go first?"

Saint walked up to the middle of the battleground, he stood still waiting for the woman to speak not until his hearing senses suddenly made an eerie sound. His peers were shocked seeing how quick he was to dodge the coming bullet that was about to hit his head but he instantly turned around and moved away from it

"Good job, jungwon"

The latter is still in shock after what happened, he walks away as his teammates began to ask him questions on how he was able to sense where the direction of the bullet was coming from

"Next, iris"

The sub leader of the west walked up to the middle. Like what saint did she waited, within a matter of seconds she fell on her knees as she got shot on the knee


Saint yelled he was about to go after her when his teammates held him back, iris stood up like as if nothing happened, the wound on her knee disappeared so as the hole that was made on her pants

"Great job, yoona"

She walks back to her teammates, all of them were amazed with her ability

"Jet, it's your turn"

He walks up to the middle

"Sit down and close your eyes"

He follows as he sat down and closed his eyes

"Take a deep breath and think deeply, with that you'll be able to see the future"

He took a deep breath as he properly sat up, the others watched him patiently, waiting for a response from him. Just then his eyes shot open as he looks shocked

"What did you see?"

"I saw a teddy bear? Now, how the fuck is that-"

"Thank you, jet"

Jet stands up as he scoffs out of disbelief, how can that be the future?

"Ash, go on"

Ash then walks up to the middle

"Control haze's mind and make him attack sheon"

His brows furrow in confusion, why would he make haze attack sheon?


At that moment he didn't know what came to him but he start controlling haze's mind. All of then got scared when haze's eyes turned red, he then launched at sheon who fell back

"Ash, stop!"

Black shouts as the two are getting out of hand, haze was scratching sheon's skin causing him to bleed

"What the fuck, ash!"

Sheon screams at him, he couldn't fight back because haze was sitting on him putting all of his weight on the older

"Ash! You're going to kill sheon!"

Saint took action and pushed ash to the floor, he was able to snap back to reality, disconnecting his thoughts from haze's. The younger falls unconscious as sheon passed out with the number of wounds he received

"What the hell was that, ash?"

Jet walks up to the two, he stuck his hand out as ash took it and stood up

"I-I don't know, i couldn't stop myself"

"That's because you just recently regained your ability, you'll need more training to be able to stop yourself"

The latter looks at his two teammates in guilt, he didn't want to do it but he was asked to by the woman


"There's no next, we'll go now and rest"

Reign says, she then calls everyone to go up. Asure and black carried the two who had passed out. Slowly they all got up, the two boys carried their teammates to their respective rooms before going to theirs

Their eleventh day ended with testing their abilities, chaos began when a strong wolf launched on the other. All of them were flabbergasted seeing the two fighting with unfairness because sheon wasn't able to fighr back, causing a lot of wounds on him.

The GiftedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora