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The agents are now scattered from the first to the fourth floor, most rooms are locked which is quite consufing to them


Enzo laughs seeing faith all frightened, the latter only glared at him before bumping into him intentionally before leaving the kitchen

"What's the point of leaving this mansion if this place has a lot of meat"

Sheon speaks as his eyes sparkle upon the sight of the fridge, it's filled with different types of meat that are expensinve


Saint sternly says, he watched his members with his fingers running through his hair. Third was all over the place, haze and sheon are bickering again, ash is just looking around with black, jared and azure are with saint all quiet

As for the west team, reign is leading her team as they explored the second floor. They were bummed out by the thought of being trapped inside a mansion with most rooms locked, what else can they even do at this point?

"You good?"

Phoenix approached iris who seems to be spacing out, being brought back to reality she smiles while shaking her head slowly

"I'm good, just a little tired"

She pats her shoulder before walking back to clyde. Iris continues to walk not until she saw something at the corner of her eye, she stops as her members walk past her

"You know- iris?"

Celeste walks up to their sub leader who's once again spacing out, all of them started worrying seeing her like this

"Are you sure you're o-"

"The pictures.."

Yhuan walks up towards the railings as she finds a series of pictyre frames from a different living room, all of them looks dirty. However, one caught their attention. There's a frame with a picture that shows a lot of people in lab suits, all of them were gathered in the living room while talking

"Was this place part of an experiment or something?"

Clyde asks, reign becomes wary of the mansion the more they go deeper through the house, there's this heavy feeling that they can't explain but something feels off

"There's the wes- oh, damn"

Jet halts as he looks at the paintings and picture frames on the wall. He slowly approached it, observing them

"Was this part of history o- sorry"

The latter clears his throat after receiving a glare from the leader. The west team went down as they all gathered in the living room

"Mind putting them down, third?"

"Why me?"

"You're tall, third. Be thankful that you're height is useful as fuck if not i would've already sliced through your legs and used them for my own benefits"

All of them laughed hearing what faith said, she does have a point

"It's been a while sincd you last said something funny, faith"

"Oh, shut up"

Enzo shrugs his shoulder laughing at his co member. All of them sat down at the floor as they all analyzed each and every paintings and pictures that were hanging from the wall

"Parts of the brain"

Reign raised the frame, there's a printed picture of the parts of the brain, it's old and it can barely show the names

"A mansion?"

Azure raised a painting, it looks like a mansion in the middle of nowhere

"Seems like that mansion is this mansion"

All of them looked at each other feeling the chills, this mansion is creeping them out

"A picture of kids? It's ruined though"

Black shows them the picture, they couldn't take a good look because of how damaged the picture is, it's either broken into pieces or it only shows half of their body

"This could be the children of the creator"

All of them hummed in response still analyzing the picture

"Now, what the fuck is this?"

Ash raised the frame and there's an image of a boy floating in mid air, with no support around him. All of them felt flabbergasted, is this picture even real?

'"It seems legit though, the picture was taken through an old camera"

They are weirded out with everything they have seen in this mansion

"How can these paintings or pictures help us out? There are no clues in them"

Haze exclaims finding this situation annoying, there were no signs of clues which means they just wasted their time

"Let's go around and look for more clues"

All of them agreed and left the living room, their first day ends with frustration and annoyance. Their escape won't be easy after all. That's how their first day went, just full of confusions and mysteries.

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