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Phoenix calls out to the younger, she sits in between celeste and reign. They're all gathered in the living room to have a talk, especially with enzo

"I'm really sorry, iris"

Enzo speaks up, the latter didn't respond nor bat an eye on him, she's still flabbergasted with what happened yesterday

'"I wasn't in the right mind yesterday, i was too caught up with my own feelings that i disregarded your words"

He was too caught up with defending his side that he didn't even bother listening to iris' opinions, he was too emotional that time

'"It's fine, at least i'm not hurt, right?"

Her question was somewhat awkward, she doesn't know how to explain it as she's still stunned

"This has been bugging me all night but how did your wound disappear? I mean it doesn't make any sense"

Azure speaks up to which sparked their curiousity as well, how did her wound disappear?

"I clearly saw it, i saw a hole in her forehead and it's bleeding. Literally when i turned around it just disappeared on its own..."

Clyde bit her lower lip after hearing those words escape her lips

"We're still sane, right? No one's drugging us or anything?"

Jared's question strucked their mind, at some point he does have a point

"Maybe bu/"

"You all aren't drugged by anyone in this household"

They covered their ears as they heard an eerie sound from the speaker once again before the woman's voice echoed throughout the mansion

"Then explain how her wound disa-"

"I have a question only the west should answer, don't you all find it weird whenever you all are in a mission she usually takes the bullet but doesn't get any sort of wound?"

Now that the woman asked that question they all started thinking, iris on the other hand was left confused. She did notice it but she believes that she's just seeing things

"You're not seeing things, iris. You really did get shot multiple times"

"Then what does that mean?"

Their eyes dart towards the speaker, all ears are now on the woman

"Simple, all of you have a special ability within you"

All of them looked at each other amused by what they heard, third scoffed finding it unbeliveable

"You seem to be high on drugs, why aren't you arre-"

"Maybe you're the one who's high, third"

She chuckles which creeped them out

"You see, i have this motto ; everyone is gifted, if not through intelligence then it must be through abilities. But your intelligence isn't enough to me, i gave you all different abilities in which will benefit all of you in the future"

What special ability even is she talking about?

"Special ability is simply called supernatural powers"

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