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Once again the agents are all gathered in the living room having a conversation about their plan on their escape

"I think it's best if we explore more and.."

Before reign could finish her words the speaker turns on, leaving a screeching sound which triggered their ears. Their attention divert towards the speaker

"Good day, kids"

Everyone remained silent, ignoring the woman. They went back to their business and continued to discuss their plan

"Your plan won't hel-"

"Shut up you old hag"

Jared snickers as he smacks third on the arm. The woman behind the speaker sighs, her kids aren't listening to her

"As i said, the plan won't work"

"Mind shooting those speakers, enzo?"

Enzo takes out his gun aiming for the speaker at the corner of the room

"That won't work, enzo"

He tightly holds the gun as he fires, only for him to get confused, there's no bullet inside? As far as he remembers his gun is loaded, he only used it once, why is it not working?

"Who the fuck touched my gun?"

He scoffs as he looks at everyone, they looked at him confused. The room he is assigned in only has two beds, meaning he shares the room with someone. And that someone is black, everyone could see how his gaze changed, he looks mad. He then walks up to black as he grabs him by the collar, confusing the younger


"What did you do with my gun?"

Black feels offended as he got blamed for something he didn't even do

"I didn't do-"

"Then who did, black? Who the fuck is trying to mess with me?"

All of them got scared, taking a step backward as he points the gun at them

"What the fuck, enzo! What's wrong with you"

They were all slowly getting scared with how aggressive he has gone ever since he got in this mansion

"Mind letting me finish first?"

The woman then clears her throat before continuing her words

"Like what i have said, your plan won't work since there's a traitor among your group. This person has been working with me for so long now"


They couldn't believe what they just heard, someone among them is working with a person like her?

"Meaning to say, this person is sabotaging your plans on escaping. Be careful on who you trust, you could be working with a traitor"

The speaker turns off leaving them stunned, enzo was about to let go of black when he noticed his nose bleeding

"What happened to you?"

Their eyes divert towards black who has just realized his nose bleeding, they all got worried as it wouldn't stop

"Are you okay?"

Azure walks up to them as he checks up on his teammate, the situation they are facing right now is too cruel, one of them being a traitor easily ruins the plan they already have. Saint became wary of the situation they are in, if one of them is the traitor then who is it?

Their third day ended with full of questions, they disregarded their plan and started thinking on who the possible traitor is among the two teams. It's either south has them or west does.

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