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"Great work, west"

Everyone in the room cheered feeling delighted upon the compliment of their boss

"Iris did so well leading the team"

All eyes are now plastered on the girl who's sitting from across the room, she doesn't look good as she keeps on shutting her eyes tightly

"Iris, are you okay?"

She nods her head, no matter how hard she endures the pain she can still feel it all over her body

"Reign would've slayed that mission if she wasn't sick the whole week"

The leader shrugs her shoulders as she lets out a breathy laugh, originally she was supposed to lead the team but she fell ill and gave the responsibility to iris who is their sub leader

"I think you should go and take a rest, seol"

Reign looks over at her co member, worriness is written all over her face

"Hold on, i'll just take a call"

Their boss stands up before leaving the room. Reign stood up from her seat as she walked over to the latter who seems to be in a lot of pain. She crouched down to match her eye level

"Seol, you need to rest"

She knows how hard iris has been working, she just joined the team five months ago which makes her a newbie. Because of her skills she got easily promoted and became the sub leader, this caused some issues within the team as they find it unfair at first but realizing how hard it is being the leader they felt quite sad for iris who has been working recklessly to be promoted only to be over worked as the other leader of the team

'"I will, don't worry"

Assuring reign she gave her a small smile. She looks up feeling her head aching, at that moment she spotted something from the vent, there was a red light flashing


Her eyes widen as she sees the vent open and a can was thrown inside, all of them looked at it feeling confused

"That's a gas bomb"

Iris spoke, she got up from her seat as she quickly takes the bomb. She tried opening the vent but it wouldn't work. All of them stood up from their seats as they ran up to the door. They kept on banging and shouting for help as it won't open. The room was slowly being filled with gas. Reign looked around to see if there is a way for them to escape, she froze as she felt something sharp pressing against her neck

"Don't move"


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