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"Who do you all think the traitor is?"

Phoenix is the first one to break the silence in the dining area, all of them are gathered to have breakfast, no one spoke as their thoughts are still on what they heard yesterday. There's a traitor among them, without them knowing

"You know what? That person could just be messing with us. She could just be the one sabotaging our plan and there's no traitor after all?"

Haze tried to propose his idea, maybe there's no traitor after all? Ever since yesterday none stepped up and pointed out their suspicions on someone in particular, after all they're all together since day one

"Could be but we never know.."

They remained silent once again, thinking of who the possible traitor is. Yhuan suddenly slammed her hands on the table, startling everyone

'"This might sound crazy-"

"It already is crazy"

Yhuan threw a glare at ash who's teasing her

"I could be wrong but something is off about jade-"

"What the fuck, yhuan? We're in the same team-l

"Let's hear her out first"

Clyde manages to get in between the two, the tension in the room is slowly rising

"For the past five months, she's always in and out of the headquarters. I caught her once leaving at around midnight. She even disappears on us during a mission, now how is that not suspicious?"

It does make sense, the west team does find it weird how she suddenly goes missing in the middle of a mission and suddenly pops up whenever their task is over

"I asked our boss once if she ever asked for permission to go out, even he is confused about her going out"

With that their suspicions raised against her, what if she's the traitor?

"No wonder she knows how the things work in the kitchen"

The kitchen looks rather weird, everything looks unfamiliar to all of them, most of the things in there were used by technology. How would she know if she's not part of the hacking team? She even insisted before that she knows nothing about machines

Jade scoffs as she stands up, she didn't know that her own teammate would turn their backs on her

"It's not that you're the trai-"

"Then what, reign? It's so obvious that you all are painting me as the traitor"

She doesn't know what to react, she doesn't know whether she's angry or sad

"Jade , please calm down.."

"Who's going to calm down after being accused, iris?"

Jade then averts her attention towards iris, the two staring at each others eyes with anger. Saint who's watching the scene sitting beside iris didn't sat anything, his eyes widen seeing blood dropping down iris' nose

"Iris are you-"

Gasps filled up the room as they saw iris suddenly faint, luckily saint caught her right on time before her head could hit the glass table


He shook her multiple times to check if she's fine, he took matters into his own hands

"Let's talk about this tomorrow, blaming one another won't take us to anywhere near escaping"

He gently carried her as he left the room. Jade let out a frustrated sigh as she also left the room, she couldn't bear being in a room with people doubting her. Their fourth day ended with full of accusations, something is indeed going to happen, something big.

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