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"Wow I've been chained before but caged is a new one. Guess I'm living up to this term rabbit. But Lord Nathan, my two boyfriends will beat you up."

"Boyfriend seems like a very exaggerated stretch. I have a feeling you just met them and they are dazzled by something forbidden. Like any perverse person. That's what people are, deep down we are all odious creatures. But King's and Queens, they are the most repugnant. They just have money to cover their misdeeds and stench in fine clothing and jewelry."

Nathan looked up lazily at the little silver rodent in a pretty silver cage. "But when we act on our nature, then we are scum and lowly. Funny how those high above the rest, perched on a pedestal of people in servitude, judge the most. Does having power equate to enough intelligence and common sense to lead others? To decide how they live and die and who they are allowed to be? Hypocrisy."

"That's a lot of words here I'm not familiar with, but I mean I am stuck in a cage, so vent away. Is this a you want an answer situation or like a you just need to vent situation?"

Nathan smirked, the brat still kept humor in a negative situation. How cute and lively. "We've got a moment to kill, why not. Also, is your mask magic or some shit? I couldn't get it off."

"It actually is, otherwise it wouldn't be very useful to hide my super secret identity if I got knocked out, you know. Onto this conundrum of yours. People in power can be shit, most of them don't deserve it. We fear change and the thought of governing all things ourselves, something taught to us to keep our world this way. There are a few among many that want change and teach themselves to be the change. But they can't always fight the hive mind fear, am I right?"

Naki looked down at Nathan. "But then a lot more could be a type of change for the greater good. Yet what do most people do? What are you doing? You have influence I'm assuming, because look at this place. But are you using it as some base of resistance and change? No, you are trafficking people and profiting off of misdeeds. So are you up your ass about the power or how it's being used."

"Never had an opinionated pet rodent. Maybe I should keep you. Do you like carrots?"

"Do rats eat carrots? I'm assuming that's what you are getting at. But hey, deep thoughts about why society finds you to be scum later. What are we doing? I see you stuck me with a little something. I feel maybe like a little tingle? Or is that me getting horny from the aphrodisiac?"

"Little rat, you'll know when both hit you, I promise. It'll be right in time for the grand opening night I have planned."

"Doesn't this count as kidnapping? At the least like imprisonment or something? Using a Cloud member in your schemes? That's not smart, don't you know our Queen is a very mean bitch that can't stand being insulted? This is giving insulting."

"You seem like you're not supposed to be here. I bet that anyone concerned about you would think you are anywhere but here. Does it count as kidnapping if no one knows you are here?"

"The two Kings I walked in with? Are those the no ones because... One of us is confused about the mechanics of kidnapping."

Nathan chuckled. "I can tell you come with jokes. Maybe I'll keep you around as a mood booster when the atmosphere gets a little heavy. Leilon would love you."

Naki's brows furrowed at the name, the wicked and demonic name. One day he'd put an end to that name.

"Back to us though. Why do you think the Kings won't, you know, search for me?"

"Those fuckers? They are about to be high as shit. My little drug is not only in pill form as you're about to experience. And they get to try it out in smoke form. By the time Blight has them, you'll be a memory. I'll make sure to give them something prettier to entertain themselves."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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