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A/N: Don't take things seriously here. This is pure shits and giggles. Don't expect steady updates 😂.


A celebration rang through the lands, the sound announced a new King would be crowned. People from each corner of the Shiva lands flocked to the grand inauguration held in the neighboring Sha territories. Not quite enemies, but neither allies; a change in power meant unforeseen events on both sides.

The Sha and Shiva have always shared the same home, a vast and bountiful land filled with many terrains and many more wonders. Blessed by their Gods, the lands provide all they need and grant the mighty species the ability to alter their form.

By day or night, whenever they desire, the two could shift into mighty beasts, much like the wolves that roam the human side beyond their magic rift. Unlike the earthly wolves, the Sha and Shiva are not merely hunters in the wild. Though fierce and deadly in their alter form, they two spend most of their days in their humanoid shapes, the luxuries that came with thumbs had become something neither variation of their species could deny.

Though they shared the same home, the two sides did not always thrive alongside each other. On the contrary, often the two reminded the other that they could be forced from predator to prey.

Today did not mark one of those days...at least for now.

The Field Pack, the largest of the three Sha Pack, hosted the grand celebration. Their King would pass his mighty mantle to his second born son today, an event most thought would never happen. Why not the first born you ask, you'll find out in events to come. Today's event belongs solely to Prince Sega of the Field. Soon to be Alpha King Sega.

The shining beacon of the Sha, Sega stands proudly before his new throne while those who came to witness his crowning, arrive. Every jewel of the Royal Field family held its own shine, King Leiodus and Queen Celise were both known for their faces blessed by the Gods. The union of their genes did not disappoint with any of their offspring.

King Leiodus stood behind the black and silver throne as he waited for each Pack's Royal family to arrive on the icy blue carpet laid out across the glittering floor. The King passed down many features to the jewel of the Field Pack. They shared the same narrow set eyes, their lashes so thick that tiny beings could frolic in them. Both sported shining onyx locks, though the King kept his cropped and swept back and Sega's waterfall of obsidian hair trailed down to his hips. The icy blue tint to their eyes and the pearly pale skin was a copy and paste.

The two begin to differ in appearance from there but Queen Celise provided answers. Her small and soft mouth traveled down to her son, as well as her perfectly straight nose, thin brows and soft set jaw. Her petal pink hair translated down to both of her other children, but Sega obtained their father's onyx locks. For now.

The soon to be crowned King could only be called beautiful. With a face painted by an artist, many fell to the swoop of long lashes. Despite his beauty, Sega was known for far more. With a tongue that could lash a whip master and a mind that embodies the term sly, Sega's well known personality did not match the jewel.

To Sega's right stood the eldest beauty of the Field Alpha pair, Leion's soft face and melodious voice were plucked from his mother and pasted onto him. Other than his longer, more angular jaw and the darker shade to his hair, one could almost call the mother and son identical.

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