Lizzie took a breath as she wrapped her hands around the mug. It was still hot and anyone else would yank their hands away, but Lizzie wanted to feel something other than sadness. Alastor tilted his head when he noticed the front of her hands turning red.

"Alastor," Lizzie started slowly. "Be honest with me? Do you think I belong here?"

Alastor thought about the question. "Hmmm." He knew he was getting somewhere and needed to dig a bit deeper. "I haven't really seen you sin, but you volunteered to help with the hotel."

"I'm not talking about the hotel. I'm talking about here, in Hell. Do you think I belong in Hell?"

"Well, you're certainly here for a reason, my deer!" Alastor laughed.

"I guess you wouldn't understand," Lizzie spoke softly as she took a sip of her coffee. She burnt her tongue on the hot liquid, but she welcomed it. Lizzie wanted to tell Alastor about her banishment, but...she couldn't bring herself to. "What I'm really asking you think I can be redeemed and go to Heaven?"

"You mean that silly little dream? What exactly would you have accomplished by going there?"

"I don't know...maybe -Save. My. Soul." Alastor took a sip of his drink. "Never mind, why do I bother asking? You think this redemption thing is stupid anyway. And the only reason you're here is to watch everyone fail for entertainment."

"I do love a good laugh, won't argue there. Now, why do you want to go to Heaven? Your family is here in Hell. I'm sure Charlie will miss you."

"How can you be so sure? I'm just one person. Charlie as Vaggie, her friends, this hotel - people who need her here."

"That may be true, but there's nothing like a sisterly bond." He smiled at her.

"You're only saying that because you're my friend." Lizzie sighed. "Everyone knows I torture people who disrespect those I care for. But I'm just holding myself back. There are times I want to kill those fucking cunts. I don't because -" I still want to go to Heaven. If my mother and Emily find out I've killed demons for the fun of it, they'll be disappointed in me. "I - I don't want to corrupt my soul. There are many things I haven't done because of it."

While Lizzie was pouring her heart out, Alastor's face went static as he continued his little plot. He needs to push Lizzie so far off the edge that she'll make a deal without questioning his motives.

"Well, there's your problem," Alastor said with a smile. "You're not being your true self. If you want to kill and torture people to your heart's content, then do it! I'll even let you broadcast it during my radio show! Wouldn't that be fun for the both of us?!"

Lizzie shook her head. "I don't want to disappoint Charlie and Lucifer."

Alastor scoffed. "Who cares what they think?! There is no reason why you should be miserable for the sake of others." He leaned forward and rested his chin on the back of his hands. "I'll even help you if you like, deer."

"Why? Why would you help me?" Lizzie wondered.

Alastor tilted his head as his grin widened. "What are friends for? You can put your faith in me." He leaned back in his seat. "Now, what can I do to put a smile on your face?"

"Well..." Lizzie began until a big whooshing sound came toward them. The laser beam missed them by a hair and made a hole in the hotel's lower level. "Oh, what the fuck?"

"Show yourself Alasssstor," the snake demon, Sir Pentious, shouted. "Come and face -" He paused when he noticed Alastor wasn't inside the hotel. He scanned the area until he spotted him sipping coffee, unbothered by the attack. "Oh, there you are. Face my wrath!"

Stayed Gone 》Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now