chapter 1

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blossom" could you come down here please shouted blossoms mother form down stares.

yes give me a moment I'm just getting out of the shower shouted blossom back as she leaned over the door with only her towel.

okay but hurry up.

sighs why cant I just have a shower in peace any more muttered blossom as she walked to her room and shut the door quietly.

right lets see where is my heir dryer ugh where did I place it this time I've got to stop doing this ah there you are right lets dry my heir then brush it ah that's better now what bra and underwear should I were I think my black set should do drops her towel ha shoot its cold there must be a draft in here or l left the window open again ugh muttered blossom as she clipped her bra on and hang her towel up whilst finding an out fit.

mm this looks cute yes lets find some shorts to go under it ha there we go cute this is cute my white waist skirt and belly jumper top now were did I put my knee high socks this time ha there they are now which one would go white or black I think white would go with it nice oh I all must forgot my neckless mother would have a fit if she sought me not wearing it.

ah there u are could u go to the broderwalk for me and get a few things for me and also go to maxes shop and get me some movies me and your father are having a movie date smiled my mum as she handed me some money.

um yes sure what am I getting form the shop and also what movies am I getting form maxes shop said blossom as she played with her long strawberry blond heir whilst waiting.

oh yes that could you get some popcorn cola then get your self something then form maxes shop could you get nightmare on elms street and Friday the 13th said mum as she handed me 20 dollars.

frowns mum how can u and dad watch those movies there creepy and well unsettling replied* blossom.

laughs well it all started with your dad he said they were good then when I watched then I learned that I liked them maby you could watch them with us then maby you could watch them you never now you may like them.

um ya no thank u horror is not my thing plus I don't like movies there boring books are more funner and educational why would you find pleasure in sitting in front of a tv when its bad for your wellbeing

oh well I sepoes u have a pint laughed my mum.

well I'll be back soon okay mum smiled blossom.

okay but don't talk to strangers or older boys and stay away form thoughts surf naizes and thoughts lost boys u now the ones that have thoughts death traps and were leather I do not want my only child to end up like them said my mother as she narrowed her eyes at me and turned her head.

don't worry mother I'm older enough and responsible enough to not get involved with thoughts kind of people who do dumm things like drinking and doing drugs and having sex that's not me mum I don't intend to do any of thoughts thing plus I'm a cathlet so I don't intend to do any of that sighed blossom as she walked to the door and tossed her flats on and walked out the door.

I've lived in Santa Carla for most of my life and I've learned a few things along the way like don't go looking for trouble and stay away form the gangs first there is the surve Nazis who think there the kings of the beach and can get any woman they want they have no respect for any one especially woman they think there toys to play with and they act like pigs honestly there disgusting the way they walk and act makes my stomach turn I try to not come out to the borderwalk for that resone one time Greg the leader of the surve Nazis tried to touch me and so did his gang but at that time I was with my bestfrend jay he protected me but then suddenly he disapsred then a few days later he was another lost face of a missing poster that was a year ago when I was 14 years old it broke my heart losing him I felt lost but that's Santa Carla for u.

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