Worries sleep and im awake with you

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He was in the kitchen washing dishes. He was hunched over as it wasn't the easiest thing to do when you have a gunshot wound to the stomach

When he heard his door unlocked there were only three people who had a key his mom, his oldest sister, and Tk  he assumed it was his mom seeing as Tk never uses his key and his sister lived a ways away

"Hey, I brought you some groceries ." Tk smiled as he closed the door behind him as Carlos steadied himself on the sink

"Well, we'll look at who finally used their key." Carlos said softly as Tk set the bag on the counter "Why are you up ?"  Tk asked, "I was washing dishes ." Carlos said, "or at least trying to." Carlos sighed before sitting on the bar stool as Tk put away the groceries "You didn't have To do that -." Carlos said, "It's fine besides I don't want you to starve ." Tk laughed "I'll Venmo-." Carlos said "Nope." Tk said snatching the phone from Carlos "I've got it it's the least I can do ." Tk said as Carlos sighed "Can I check your bandage ?" Tk asked softly Carlos followed Tk to the couch before he laid down Tk helped him remove his shirt before checking his dressing

"You always trying to get me shirtless huh ?" Carlos teased

"Shut up you ass." Tk laughed

"Still good but you really should rest you look exhausted ." Tk said, "But - you just got here let me enjoy you for a little?" Carlos pleaded " I'm done with my shift I can stay the night if you'd like ?" Tk said he never wanted to assume he could stay the night even though Carlos told him that he was always welcome which was true Carlos had never turned Tk away or nothing invited him to stay overnight

"Please?" Carlos said, "Only if you go take a nap ." Tk said, "Okay fine ." Carlos said as Tk kissed his head "Thank you ." Tk smiled as he looked at Carlos

Once Carlos finally got upstairs Tk got to washing the dishes and vacuuming  and other tasks he knew his clean freak boyfriend would wanna do but it would be too much  for him he  started a load of wash before he heard a knock on the door

He went to the door before opening it it was Carlos's mom " Mrs Reyes hi ." Tk said softly "Oh hi sweetheart." She said, "Could I come in ?" Andrea asked holding a tray of food "Oh yeah of course I'm sorry Mrs Reyes ." Tk said as she put the tray down in the kitchen

"Please sweetheart call me Andrea ." She smiled " Carlos is upstairs sleeping ." Tk said making Andrea a cup of tea "You finally got that boy to take a nap ." Andrea laughed "It took some bribing ." Tk laughed before sliding over her a cup of tea "Thank you ." Andrea smiled "If you want I could leave .. if you just wanted to spend time with Carlos I don't wanna get in the way ." Tk said
" no sweetheart I would never ask that you leave besides it gives me a little time to learn more about you ." She smiled holding Tk's hand across the counter
Tk remembers how his mom always used to call him sweetheart he doesn't like what she did but growing up she always made it so that way tk didn't realize how bad things were

"So what do your parents do ?" She asked, "My dad's a firefighter, and my mom used to be a lawyer ." Tk said, "That's nice did she retire ?" Andrea asked, " She died ." Tk said, "Oh sweetheart I'm sorry - I didn't ." Andrea said

"It's okay really ." Tk said softly "How do you like Texas so far ?" Andrea said, "Good yeah Carlos has been great he's taught me a lot considering I'm from New York I was kinda clueless ." Tk laughed as Carlos came down the steps "Hey sleepy head ." Tk smiled

"Mom?" Carlos said, "Hey honey figured I'd come to catch up with my boys ." Andrea said hugging Carlos "and I brought you some food to enjoy ." Andrea smiled "Thank you mom." Carlos said looking over at Tk

Later that night after Andrea had left they sat in the couch watching a movie " thank you for cleaning you shouldn't have ." Carlos said "don't mention it ." Tk smiled " you and my mom seemed to be getting along well ." Carlos commented " yeah she's really nice ." Tk said as another yawn came out of his mouth

" your tired we should head up ." Carlos said turning the tv off " no I'm okay I wanna hang out ." Tk protested "you need sleep you worked a 12 hour shift." Carlos said "but -" Tk protested " no buts let's go."  Carlos said taking hold of Tk's hand

"I really like when your here ." Carlos said as he ran his hands through Tk's hair " you do ?" Tk asked looking into Carlos's eyes "yeah it makes me miss you less." Carlos smiled before kissing Tk's head " go to sleep ." Carlos watched until Tk fell asleep he enjoyed the mindless talking where he knew Tk wouldn't remember it in the morning but it was nice still

He enjoyed the cuddling how Tk kept moving closer and closer yet somehow still mindful of his wound

He enjoyed the soft snore that Tk's let out with every breath

He enjoyed Tk 

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