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Chills ran through his body

With the strike of pain that ripped his body, he couldn't steady himself

What had happened?


"36h20 bank robbery on 5 and Grant." came over Carlos's radio when he pulled up to the scene he had a gut feeling something was bound to happen. He quieted himself because it was a bank robbery that was already wrong but regardless he requested backup

He parked his car before getting his gun easily accessible-

When he walked in there were multiple people on the ground as a man in a purple hoodie stuffing cash into his bag "Put your hands up !" Carlos said pointing his holster at the robber the robber dropped the money before running off he knew backup was outside so he didn't rush

He bent down to this little boy with his mom who was crying "Are you okay ?" Carlos asked softly not to startle the little boy " I'm scared.." the boy said, " he's gone buddy he's gonna go to jail I swear ." Carlos smiled "Thank you." the mom said softly

Carlos headed back out to the rest of his unit
Then they heard a gunshot "Get down!." his partner yelled but it was too late another shot was fired. "Was that a -" Carlos asked right before a bullet ripped into his body

5 hours prior

" do you have to go to work?" Tk begged as he laid on Carlos's shoulder "Unfortunately yes believe me I don't want to ." Carlos smiled brushing Tk's hair out of his face "It's been forever since we've had a day off together I miss you ." Tk said smiling at Carlos

" we're together now ." Carlos smiled "I know but it's not enough ." Tk said, " I'll make you a deal - I have an hour till I have to leave we could shower together and then I can kick you out of the shower so I can shower ." Carlos teased "Deal." Tk laughed rolling out of bed " C'mon! ." Tk laughed leaning against the door in Carlos's oversized T-shirt " god you're so fucking hot andin my stuff ." Carlos laughed coming and picking Tk up

They stepped under the spray letting it run over their body " Maybe I'll pick up some dinner on my way home we can have a little night in ." Carlos said softly " I love that you my boyfriend." Tk laughed before kissing Carlos

— —————-—————-—————-
"Who are you here to visit ?" The front desk receptionist asked "Carlos Reyes ." Tk said anxiously while he fiddled with his finger
" here's your visitor pass keep it somewhere visible please."

"Okay thank you ."

"I'm sorry you said you were here to see Carlos Reyes ?" The woman came up to him and asked gently "Yeah.." Tk said, " he's my son who are you ?" She asked, " I'm his - I'm his friend Tk."  Tk said biting his nails "If you want you could sit with me while we wait the doctors said he's just waiting for him to wake up once he does his evaluation so that he could have some visitors .." she said  "Okay Mrs. Reyes ." tk said, "I'm sorry I should I said my names Andrea please don't call me that it makes me feel old ."  She said

"So how'd you meet my boy ?" Andrea asked, "through work ." Tk said fiddling with his fingers " So you police too ?"
"I'm a paramedic he's on a lot of our calls ." Tk smiled
"Mrs Reyes you can see your son now ." The doctor said

Tk followed behind Andrea but stopped outside the door Andrea went in but he didn't follow he watched through the glass "Hi sweetheart ." He heard Andrea say
"Mm mom ." He heard Carlos say he released the breath he didn't know he was holding he was alive he was talking

Tk hadn't taken a breath since he had gotten the call against his judgement he stayed at Carlos's condo after he left for work Carlos convinced him that it was fine and that way he didn't have to come back later towards the end of Carlos's shift

So Tk took the time to clean Carlos's apartment Carlos was a relatively clean person he liked things a certain way and never let things get messy but he decided to just do some stuff that otherwise Carlos would have to do he preached and started the dishwasher did a few loads of laundry including the bedding mopped the floors and then headed out to the grocery store to pick up some groceries for Carlos since he knew it was on Carlos's list of things to do in his next day off but when he finished putting all the stuff away he
received a call

"I'm gonna go get him some stuff from his place the doctors want to keep him overnight he said you can come in if you'd like ." Andrea said hugging him "Thank you ." Tk said softly as she walked away

When he walked in Carlos turned his head and smiled "Baby." Carlos said reaching out his hand for Tk to take "How are you feeling ?" Tk asked running his hands through Carlos's curls " I'm pretty okay now just a little out of it  they have me on some medicine for the pain ." Carlos said, "Your hands are shaking baby ." Carlos said, "Sorry." Tk said, "Baby relax im okay you don't need to worry." Carlos said rubbing his leg

" so I met your mom," Tk said letting out a soft laugh as he wiped his tears
" I heard ." Carlos laughed "I'm sure she loves you ." Carlos smiled " I told her I was your friend -." Tk said biting his nails "What why ?" Carlos asked, " I didn't - I didn't know if you were out or even wanted her to know about me about us ." Tk said

" of course I do ." Carlos said, " I would never want to keep you a secret ."  Carlos said intertwining their hands  "Sorry." Tk said, "Stop saying that ." Carlos said
That's when Carlos's mom returned with a duffle bag "Mom how much stuff did you bring ." Carlos laughed

" just a few things ." She smiled "Mom -." Carlos said

" yes, sweetheart ?" She asked "Tk is my boyfriend,"  Carlos said holding Tk's hand "That's wonderful sweetheart!" Andrea said coming over to hug Tk Tk couldn't help but look back at Carlos who was holding back a laugh

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