Chapter 21-The Past

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Watching Derek pull the car around, my heart pounding in my chest, I know I have two options. I can tell Alec that Derek is now in our rental car and works at this hotel we are now staying at, or option two, I keep my mouth shut and play it cool. Whatever it is, I need to do it quickly, Alec is looking at me because I probably look as if I saw a ghost, which I suppose I have.

Swallowing hard, I go with option two. At least for now. I do not want a scene, and it has already been a long day. I don't say anything because I don't know what Alec will do. He is very aware of Derek and I's past, and I do not need him going to jail tonight on top of the shit day I've already had. I know that Alec will not let anything happen to me here. I'm just hoping and praying that Derek doesn't have access to anything here at the hotel. 

Snapping me back to reality, Alec rubs my lower back.

"Coming?' he asks gently. He probably thinks I'm still shaken from the day, which I am, but this is just the icing on the cake. Fucking Derek, really?

Nodding because I don't think I can talk right now if I want to, I follow Alec inside. I'm hoping Derek stays outside until we get checked in. I do not want to deal with him right now. If I can avoid him altogether on this trip, that will be great. Rubbing my hand over my face, I interlace my arm with Alec's, just in case he is hovering somewhere. The thought of him being here makes me extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you okay, babe?" he asks, kissing me as we wait to get our key cards.

"Yeah," I whisper out.

He furrows his eyebrows. Grabbing our luggage, we head toward the elevator. As it's about to close, I see Derek coming inside the doors and I gasp without realizing it.

"Babe, what is going on? What's wrong?" his voice full of concern.

Damnit. I don't want to do this right now. It's been too long of a day. I'm too overwhelmed, and I know if we start talking now, there is a chance that I will say way more than I want to. The elevator doors close, and Derek's eyes never leave me as they shut. Chills fill my body at the thought of Derek being this close. Leaning my head back against the elevator wall, dread fills every part of my body. I can't even speak.

Tears fall from my eyes. "Kelsey," Alec says, but the elevator doors open to our floor. Thankful for the reprieve, I hurry out. Swiping tears away, I rush ahead of him and stand there waiting for him to unlock the door with tears escaping my eyes, and streaming down my face. Damnit, why won't they stop?

He's looking at me, fumbling with the key card and all our bags. I know he's never seen me like this, and I am a hot fucking mess. It's so late and this has been the worst fucking day ever. 

Why the fuck did I come back here?  I only want to be here long enough to get my dad settled in and I am going back home, to New York. That was my home now. I do not belong here, nor do I want to be here anymore.

Once inside, I throw my shit down and lay back on the bed, covering my face. Not even bothering to turn on any lights, I soak up the darkness and feel Alec lay next to me, gathering me to him.

"Kelsey," he whispers, trying to get my attention. "Babe. Hey, what is wrong? Talk to me." he says, kissing my tears away.

"Everything. Everything is wrong, Alec," I say.

I don't even know where to start. I'm so overwhelmed by all the shit that happened today.

"You and Megan. My dad. My mom. Fucking Derek is downstairs. I'm just done with today." I say this all calmly, but tears are pouring down my face. Alec tenses next to me.

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