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Me and my husband - Mitski

Yay tenth chapter the story didn't end early! -Sage


🥀Neve🥀 «March 15th 2005»

Neve Fairebourne. When will I get to meet the man of my dreams and change my surname?

I'm currently a 23 year old woman hoping to find a man but still, I have no luck!

If I were to name my future son, I would name him Yukio because it means snow like my name. I don't know about my future daughter though.

It just fucking sucks! My best friend called Yuri got engaged by a guy called Jeremy and I'm still waiting for my time!

I can't believe I still haven't find a man but Yuri did! I mean Yuri is a beautiful person so I guess that's a reason why she got engaged before me.

I'm literally so lonely! Nobody wants to marry me! And the worst thing is I that still live with my parents!

I go up to my room and play just a day by Feeder. Me and Yuri used to listen to Feeder together until she got engaged. We started to listen to them in like 1995.

I hope some of you readers in the comments know feeder. If you don't I'll fucking track you down.

I also really like Britney Spears. If only I could find a husband or boyfriend I'd listen to them with.

I heard my parents open the front door so I turned off the music as they called me downstairs.

"Neve! Please hurry! We have good news for you!" I heard Beatrice, my mother, yell out to me.

"Coming!" I immediately run downstairs to them. I see a man around the same age as me that I don't even recognise.

"Ve-ve, we found a man the same age as you. We talked with his parents and they agreed that you two can marry each other," my dad, John, says, "it's kind of an arranged marriage but don't worry. You both have a lot in common."

Ve-ve is my nickname. It's not a good one but it's not a bad one. I honestly prefer it than my actual name.

I bring the man to my room. I'm finally getting married!

We both sit on my bed, about to have a conversation. But we don't even know what to talk about!

"So, what's your name?" I ask him to start off the conversation.

"Cedar Meadowlily," he says, "what's yours?"

"Neve Fairebourne, nice to meet you," I reply. Neve Meadowlily. Huh, it goes well with each other.

We eventually have a conversation. He talks to me about how his father yells and hits him all the time while his asshole of a mother doesn't do shit.

"And he says he's been through the same yet he treats me like how his father treats me. I don't even want to marry you," my heart shattered. I mean, I don't even want to marry him. I just met him.

Do I even want to go through with this? Yuri and her soon to be husband are in love and happy and all that shit but I don't think I'll be happy with Cedar.

Well I have no other choice because even if we say to our parents that we don't want to marry each other they'll still make us get married anyway.

What also hurts is that Cedar isn't even the man of my dreams. I can't believe he has never listened to a single song by Radiohead! But Yuri has.

~~~~ «two weeks later»

Even my older brother, Aspen doesn't agree with this. Well he isn't even interested in romance so I couldn't care less about him.

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