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Cardigan - Taylor Swift


🍂Leif🍂 «one day after his father got arrested»

Walking and talking with Hiroshi is like hanging out with an older brother. He's like everyone's older brother.

"Guess what, Katie showed me her sh scars so I drew stars around them to make them look pretty," he told me. That sounds weird but cute at the same time.

"When will you two get together? We're now on the eighth chapter and you haven't even confirmed if you're dating."

"We're not dating yet Leif. Just give it some time," he responds. Well when is the 'some time' going to be over?

Also I don't get how Haneul, out of all people, likes vampire diaries. Well I've only watched one episode so I can't judge. But he doesn't seem like the type of person to like it.

"Oh and I also drew the stars in a heart shape around her scars," he brought up. I didn't need to know that Hiroshi.

If I'm going to be honest, I don't really celebrate my birthday. It's on the 3rd of March so it's coming soon.

This chapter has been in draft for two days now please come up with something author.

I remember one time I celebrated my birthday with a friend of mine. His name was Daniel and his dead name was Danielle. Of course he's transgender.

But unfortunately, when my father found out he was trans, he murdered him and somehow isn't arrested. Ever since then I never celebrated my birthday and I hope Daniel is doing well.

I think we were 12 year olds back then. He was kind and generous. But even if my father didn't murder him he would've hung himself because of the transphobic comments he received.

Author stop hating almost everyone and continue writing the fucking story. Lazy bastard. This is why no one likes you, you stupid bitch!

And stop listening to the feels by twice I hate that song. I don't care if Yukio and his sister love the song but I'll never like it even though I have never listened to it.

(Everyone sing the feels by twice under this comment! -Rowan)

"Oh I have to go bye Leif," he said to me, walking away.

I waved back and I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Hana.

"Hello Leif!"

"Hey Hana. I don't really want this lollipop so you can have it."

"Ooo cherry flavoured me likey!"

Hana likes cherry flavoured sweets so I gave it to her. I have another lollipop anyway and I prefer cherry flavoured drinks.

As we were talking I see Haneul walk up to us.

"Hello guys! What are you doing?" He asks us.

"Oh we're just having a conversation!" Hana replies so that Haneul doesn't think that she's cheating on him with me. Who would even date me anyway?

I'm honestly jealous of their relationship. I'm just a hopeless person who has never found the perfect person for me. I've always have been.

And in my whole 16 years of living, only one person ever had a crush on me, but I didn't like her back.

I still need to know what Yukio's sister's name is. It's going to be March in five days and I still don't know her name.

I still have memories of my younger sister when she was still alive.

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