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"Tessy!? Hi Tess. What are you doing in here? Wake uuuuup. Fine but breakfast will be ready soon." I hear a little girl's voice say.

I reluctantly opened my eyes to find myself in a new room. I looked around but stayed in bed, too hungover from the night before.

In front of the bed was a telly a bit smaller than the one down stairs. There was a four drawer dresser chest on the right facing me. On top of it was my outfit I wore last night. On the left of the bad was a nightstand. On it was a glass of water and a pill I assumed was painkillers on a handkerchief.

Right when I took the pills, I saw a pair of men's dress pants on the edge of the bed and the handkerchief had H. Hart imbedded in black on white. I have no idea who these things belonged to! And why are they here!?

I grabbed the handkerchief and bolted to the bathroom and tried my best to throw up the pills. They could have been some other pills.

"Tess? Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?" I hear Eggsy run into the bathroom and hold my hair back.

After throwing up the last of the pills I stumbled over to the sink and washed my mouth with the minty blue mouth wash. Eggsy handed me a new toothbrush from the cabinet above and leaned on the counter waiting for me to finish.

"So...are you feeling well." He finally asked.

I was mad, no beyond mad that I don't think there is a word that can describe my anger. How could he not see that I just threw up and am about to cry. There are so many possibilities going through my head. Those pants were not just put there. They belonged to someone and that someone decided to take off there pants while I was asleep! Eggsy's the only man in this house!

"Am I feeling well, Eggsy? Am I? I don't even know what I feel. How is a person who was almost kidnapped last night supposed to feel!? And then to find a strangers pants and handkerchief in their room supposed to feel!? Or how about find that they aren't in the clothes they were wearing when they went to sleep!?" I yell as I storm to the room and snatch my clothes.

"What!? Tess you have to believe me! I didn't do anything to you! My mum changed you into a nightgown she had when she was smaller! And I have no idea what pants and handkerchief you're talking about! No one went into your room!" He shouts following me downstairs.

"Oh yeah!? Well what the fuck is this Gary!? Who the hell is H. Hart!? And how the hell did he get in my room if you say no one came in!" I yell, shoving the handkerchief in his face and snatching my car key from the hook that hung next to the door.

He froze from shock and spoke again when I reached the door. "Tess! I know who this person is b-but..." He said and his pause made me stop.

"But what, Gary!? BUT WHAT!?" I yelled. Instantly I felt guilty. His face had paled to chalk and he had tears in his eyes. But he let someone come into my room and do God knows what! I have to get out of here.

I opened the door to the Corvette and revved the engine to life. I look back to reverse but someone just decided to step in my way. I groaned impatiently and got out the car.

"Oi! Get out the damn way!" I shout as he lights a cigar.

"I most certainly will not. You have much to learn if you are to be a Kingsman." He says simply as he leans on the my car.

"Tess, please don't leave! I-" I hear Eggsy say from the front door. "Harry?"

I see the look on his face and I can tell he just stopped crying. But now the tears came back and he slowly came to my side. Eggsy looked suspicious too because he brang me closer to him. I let him seeing the gun in the other man's jacket.

"Is that... really you, Harry?" Eggsy whispered his voice cracking.

"Yes, Eggsy. I'm here." The man said taking his cigar and stomping on it.

"I'm sorry who are you?" I asked.

"My apologies, Theresa. I am Harry Hart." He was going to say something else but I stormed to him and sucker punched his square in the face.

"Tess!" Eggsy said going over to Harry.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GOING INTO GIRLS ROOMS AT NIGHT AND DO GOD KNOWS WHAT!?" I yelled at him, hot tears running down my cheeks. I wanted to throw another punch but Eggsy pulled me to his chest till I stopped fighting and just cried into him.

"Please stop fighting. There has to be another explanation for there being pants in your room." Eggsy whispered softly into my hair. He jeld me tighter and looked to Harry. "Explain. Now." He said roughly.

"I certainly will. But not here. Not in the open like this. Please let's all go to-"

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I interrupted.

"Are you sure about that Theresa? You will learn mu-"

"I'm sure!" But right then I felt sleepy and fell into Eggsy's arms once again. Before I was completely out I heard Eggsy yelling at Harry. Saying that he could have gotten me to come if he hadn't intervened. Then I was out like a light.

That's the bit. Vote, comment and recommend.

Bye for now,

KingsmenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon