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"Tessy, we should head to Kingsman now." Terrance said getting up and turning off the tv. We have been watching Spongebob Squarepants. The one where Mrs Puff makes Spongebob the hall monitor.

It was hilarious even at my age. Mum was in my room napping so we could be as loud as we want. When the captain asked "Are ya ready 'ids!" We'd mumble our responses.

He'd ask again and we'd go crazy. "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!!!"

Terrance hated Sqidward because of some traumatic experience he had on Halloween when we were younger. Everytime Squidward would let Spongebob down, Rance would tell him to screw his nose.

We also watched Pokiman. The telly would ask "Who's that Pikimon!?" We'd respond with a loud guess and when we're right we'd get all excited by bumping our chests and oohing.

I walked to the kitchen and put away the popcorn bowl and pop bottles.

We stayed at the hotel because mum fell asleep like I asked. I didn't want her to wake and find that I left her there.

"Mum, Mum? Time to go to wake up, you've passed the whole morning already. Rancy and I have to go now." I said rubbing her arm softly.

She sat up slowly, I handed her a glass of orange juice. She waves it off and takes my hands. "Theresa, before you go, there's something your father and I want to tell you. That's why I came." She looks to Rance and he nodds.

"I'll wait by the car then." He says.

"What is it mum?" I scoot closer. I know something is wrong now. She only uses my real name when I'm in trouble or with big news. I look at her up and down seeing one thing odd about her. She must have a stomach ache because she's holding her stomach as if cradling it. She did eat an awful lot for dinner.

"Tessa, I'm pregnant." She says bracing for my reaction, letting her words hang and I let my jaw hang too.

Everything seems to stop and freze in place. I can hear a storm in my ears as my eyes sting. I'm don't know how to feel right know. I-I mean of course I'm thrilled to have such a thing happen. I look at my mum's stomach and I can see him. I have a feeling it's a boy. It's amazing. She has life in her. A living child, I wonder if this is how she felt whan conceiving me.

But...I feel terrible. My family is not fit to care for a baby right now. I mean yeah we can give him the world but we won't be able to watch him enjoy life. And we'll be moving around so often that he won't be able to settle down, make friends or go to dates.

And not to mention we sell alcohol for a living. I mean look at how I turned out. Confused to what I want because I feel like it's not worth my time though I can do experly anyway. I'm not classy. I don't drink wine and when I do it's because I'm at a wedding or I'm stressed and it's 3 in the afternoon. And if I drink, I drink hard liquor, and I turn up faster than a mvtherfvcher.

Then I realized that I hadn't responded in ages. I opened my mouth to say something but close it again.

How do you tell your loving and supportive mother that you think this is a bad idea? That's a trick question. Because you don't.

"This is fantastic!" I say and let the side of me that wanted this flow and grow into pure happiness.

"When are you due? Oh we need to plan for his nursery room. I'm thinking a sea blue. Ooh where are we going to raise him? In Portugal right? Oh no we are not traveling till this child is at least one years old. Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph we have to reschedule with our client. Wait until you're at least a month from giving birth and then we can go back to running a business." I say this all in a flash.

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