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"Lancelot, congratulations! Who does she take after!?" Asked Merlin excited for his friend beeing the first of the group to have a child.

Lancelot was telling his friends that he has a five year old daughter. He kept her a secret, knowing that the mission he was assigned would put her in danger. Now with the evil gone he can finally brag about his beautiful daughter.

Merlin is training for the position for Head of Technology and in charge of training the candidates for a position in Kingsmen.

His face always consists of a scowled. But when not in his business environment, he grins like an idiot. His fedora on his head dipped forward. He is self conscious about his hair being there is none. He's bald. None of the other agents understood why he wore the fedoras, he looked fine without it.

"She takes after her mother. But she has my eyes!" Lancelot laughs as Merlins grin spreads.

Lancelot possesed sharp grey eyes that was filled with too many emotions. Happiness, depression, calmness, anger. It was one of the reasons he was recruited many years ago to become the next Lancelot. You couldn't get a proper read of what he was feeling.

"She will be beautiful then! I hope you plan to train her." Says Galahad.

Galahad had been the man to recruit Lancelot. To this day they were as close as brothers. His dirty blond hair was slicked back into a cuiff as if it had just been to the salon. But Galahad was only a code name, Harry Hart was his real name.

"Oh, of course! I want my children to be more than the world can handle!" Lancelot laughs again.

The three men in suits continues walking down the halls to meet their boss, Arthur. Merlin as their escort has prepared a test that must be taken by all agents every five years. To ensure that the claws of mortality and age is not a burden.

"Alright, gents, here we are. I'd like Harry Hart aka Galahad to follow me and begin your test. James Jacks, code name Lancelot, if you would be so kind as to wait here and I'll be right back." Merlin says, putting on his serious face.

"Of course, Merlin thank you." Lancelot responded wishing Harry good luck. Lancelot knew the test will be hard. The last test almost killed him. He was swimming with the sharks trying to disable a bomb with a leg wound.

Shaking him out of his thoughts, he heard a blood curdling woman's scream. He jumped up and instantly headed in the direction.

"JAMES!!! HELP ME!!!" Screeched the woman.

Lancelot stopped in his tracks. He knew this woman. She was there for him since the beginning, married him, conceived his first child. His eyes were blinded by tears and he stormed threw every corridor. Anger swallowed him into a fit of calling out and swearing.

"MARIA!!! BABY WHERE ARE YOU!? IF YOU SO MUCH A TOUCH A HAIR ON HER HEAD I WILL BREAK THIS BOTTLE AND USE IT TO SAW OFF YOUR BALLS!" The last part of course was meant for whoever had his wife. James knew that from the empty silence that answered him, that he had lost her. His knees weakened, feeling his stomach clenched at the realisation.

"Well I finally have you on your knees!"

James look up, his eyes now bloodshot. His face tear stained and shirt sweating. He stood and threw off his jacket unbuttoned his dress shirt and rolled his sleeves up.

"Who are you? What do you want from me!?" James yelled. He glared at the man infront of him.

The mystery man wore a black trench coat, a mask similar to a real face but an abnormal smile that seemed to piss off James, baggy black sweatpants and had long grey hair. He looked homeless and sweaty.

"I already have what I want. I have her." He stood aside and gestured behind him.

Maria, James' wife was curled up in a ball on the floor down the hall, whimpering unintelligible words. Her black straight hair was damp with sweat and stuck to her skin and face. The sleeve of her black shirt was ripped and hanging by the few stitches. The fabric on her knees were ripped and blood was slowly spilling from the inside. She must have fallen on concrete.

James took a step forward but the homeless man pulled out a gun and pointed it to Maria. "I wouldn't move towards her if I were you. Come talk to me for awhile."

James looked into the mans eyes. What he say in them shocked him. The mans eyes matched Lancelot's exactly.

"Yes I know. The coat and mask is little too much." The man said taking them both off.

He faced James again and opened his arms out wide. "Yup it's me. Who's your daddy!?" The man said sounding a bit intoxicated.

James was outraged. His own father!! He's going to kill- but stopped, remembering something.

This is the test. He is here to face his fear. He remembered when a few agents including Harry and Merlin all had a camp fire in his backyard. They were in deep conversation about life and their hopes along with fears. He had said that he was afraid of his father and what a coincidence that his father is here.

Without hesitation he told his father to eat a dick. Twisted the gun away from him and pulled the trigger of it only to find it beeing a blank. His father was only a hologram but he saw that his wife is still there and real.

"Well done agent Lancelot! Well done indeed!"

James turned around to see Arthur, Merlin and Harry smiling with pride.

Scoffing at the men he ran to his wife, gathered her in his arms and walked to the exit.

"Where are you going, James?" Asked Harry who only smiled, oblivious to James' rage.

"Where am I going, you ask. I'm going to take my wife to the hospital. Obviously she is hurt and traumatized. Then we'll go home, pack and live the rest of our lives raising my daughter elsewhere." With that he turned and waited for the tube to come.

"What? No. Why?" Merlin asks creasing his forhead in confusion.

"Why? Why!? BECAUSE YOU ALL USED MY WIFE TO GET A REACTION OUT OF ME!" James shouted. "My wife." He finished weakly. Dropping to his knees he embraces the woman in his arms. Still not understanding what is happening Maria just whimpers and soon fall asleep out of exhaustion.

"Well that's no reason to be so upset. She will be fine." Merlin continues. However Harry hasn't said a word, knowing that if his wife was hurt he won't react any different than James is now.

"What did you do? What did it take for you all to make her SCREAM MY NAME!?" James stood gently laying his wife on the close by chair and faced the men.

Merlin was so confused that he just stood there. Harry in too much pain at the realisation that they had hurt their closest friend's wife.

Arthur walked over to James and held his hand out.

James thinking it was a hand shake for farewell reached for it.

"No. This is not a farewell. I want your gun as a sign that you are no longer a Kingsmen." James glared at him, never trusting him from the beginning was a smart move and he was proud of that. "Now, leave. You were not Kingsmen material anyways." With that Arthur turned on his heals and headed to his office. "Harry Hart you are in charge of replacing James Jacks. Be sure this one if Kings

James gathered his wife, glared at his former friends and left to start over a new life in a new country.

Little did he know that his daughter is Kingsmen material. Will the secret service come and ask her to join? What will happen then? And where does she stand with all this mess?

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