meeting Mihawk

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kurama, mindlink/thinking, "talking", <noise>

It's been 8 months. and honey has started to walk 2 weeks ago she is talking well too. perks of being op and older mind fraim, ignoring the fur ball that was developed though. Oi you brat it was also thanks to me!

\ Guys can we stop breaking the fourth wall?/ anyway back to the story.

"Kaachan!" she yelled from her room. the only thing keeping her in the room is a baby gate. she loves letting her mother think she can keep her in with the thing. 

"I'm coming honey. Let kaachan wake up. give me a bit." her mother is sweet and she knows her daughter understands because she has on various occasions. she knew honey was smart. 

It was 20 minutes before she saw her mother move the gate and step into the room. she had black hair and purple eyes. she had a nice body and was about the same height as shanks.

  "What is it Honey?" Monica picked Honey up out of the crib and put her on the floor to play. "Out!" honey said pointing towards the window.

 " Well I guess we can go out. I do have some things to pick up for dinner tonight." Monica said, walking in the closet to pick out an outfit for honey.

Monica grew up in a traditional village where they wore yukata, haori's, kimono's, and geta sandals. So it stuck to her when she stopped being a pirate.

"Spaghetti?!" Honey yelled excitedly. It made Monica chuckle hearing her daughter get excited. "Yes, spaghetti. now let's get you dressed, which one would you like?"

She held up two kimonos. One was red and black and had a floral design to it and the other was purple and white and had butterflies on it. "Butterflies!" Honey yelled out. What? I have to dumb it down for her so she won't freak out. I didn't say anything kit. Yhea, but you were thinking about it.

Monica is all smiles everyday unless the occasional villager man hits on her then she covers honey's ears and curses him out saying she has a husband and to screw off.

"My daughter is soooooo smart! And cute!" and with that Monica bends down and helps honey into the kimono, and brushes her hair. 

When she stood back up she gushed at how cute honey was. "Now! Do you have to go potty before we go?" she asked. Honey stood up and nodded her head " Yes kaachan! Honey be back soon."

When she finished up in the bathroom she heard the den-den-Mushi ring.<Pero, Pero, Pero, Pero, Pero, Pero, . . . . .> There was only one in the house and it was a direct line to shanks. "Otosan!!! Kaachan! Otosan is calling" she said, running to the phone.

 It was put up high so honey could not reach it and call him. It happened before. "hold on honey let me get it down, go sit at the table."

 honey sat at the table and watched her mother sit the transponder snail on the table and answer it. <gachack> "Moshi, Moshi~." then honey snatches the responder out of her mothers hand. 

"Hello?" honey asks with a bright smile. "Good morning honey did you sleep well. good morning Monica" "Yep! Otosan when you come home?" she asked. "when the sea lets me." he says referring to Monica. 

honey knowing what he meant played dumb and pouted "Dumb sea!" she huffs out. shanks chokes on his spit and begins laughing. and Monica grows a tic mark on her head and snatches the transponder and yells at him. 

"Oi! why did you call. this is not about you begging to come home is it? if it is im hanging up!" she says angrily. brushing off the threat he answers her 

"Oh! right! Mihawk should be in town on that island soon. I told him me and you had a kid. he did not believe me and thought you just finally left me. So he wanted to see for himself. This is a good time to dump her on him and handle 'those things'" He says the last bit in a serious tone.

what serious stuff? what's going on?  Monica then sighs and looks at honey then out the window. "do you trust him? I need to know if im going to be leaving honey with him for a month." honey just listens in on the conversation looking at her mother with big doe eyes.

 "Of course! id trust him with my life. . . . . . .. it not honey im worried about its him. Since honey is very smart for a child her age. and he is expecting a child with the intellect of a 8 month old" Shanks sweat drops at the thought of his child's intellect. 

"Honey smart!" honey yells out with a wide smile. 

"Yes very." Monica pats her on the head. "when should he be here?" "id say today actually we saw him 2 weeks ago. and he moves fast so yeah." <Sigh> "ok. honey speak to Otosan while i go pack." she then handed her the transponder and gave honey a kiss on the forehead before walking off to her room.

"Otosan? Sea call kaachan?" honey asks out of boredom and just wanting to here shanks voice. also wondering if he will give her details on what's going on. "yea only for a month" 

yes! Are you serious honey?  Yes very much. you will be getting a companion soon! so you wont be alone plus it Dracula mihawk. i recon you went through my memories so you know.

"honey. . do you miss Otosan?" her father asks. "Yosh! honey miss Otosan soooooooooooo much!" she had a big smile on her face. "When i come home ill have lots of belli and presents for you ok?" i can already see his goofy smile. she giggles. "ok Otosan." "captain Marines are attacking the ship!" she heard a crew member in the background.

"<sigh> Ok honey Otosan has to go. love you. tell Kaachan i love her too." "Love you too Otosan and ill tell her. be safe." he chuckled and thanked her before hanging up. 

Her mother then walks in with a bag on her back. she wore a white button up with a black corset and pants. "ready to go?" She asks as she picks honey up "yep!"

T                                                                                              n                                                                                                T

They had arrived at the docs an hour ago. her mother rented out a small ship and packed is before she heard her name being called. "Monica!" She turned around to see mihawk walking up to her. he then see's honey and smiles. "So this is Daisy D. Honey? so he wasn't just drunk. . . . She gots your eyes" he says looking at her when he finally stood Infront of them.

Monica then abruptly hands him honey and a bag full of her stuff. she was uncomfortable until he held her properly. "I know she looks lie shanks and has my eyes. whatever. You were friends with him for a long time and he said i could trust you. I got a few things to take care of" She then then begins to slowly drift away. 

"Listen she is very smart. she's potty trained and can walk, talk really well. She loves to sleep so if she falls asleep for long periods of time don't freak out. She wont leave your side in public areas and she is really well behaved and i don't care if you leave the island just be back in a month. Kaachan loves you honey!!" and just like that she was gone.

And this all baffled Mihawk But if he had a person to blame it'd be shanks.


XOXO 99_Livesss. 

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