Chapter 15: The Big Tree Rises

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3rd POV

The group gets off the Starskiff and steps onto the pavement of Exalting Sanctum.

Tingyun: Let's stop here, benefactors.

Fu Xuan: ...I may live in relative seclusion, but I can recognize my own territory. Why are we here, Tingyun? Does this look like the Divination Commission to you?!

Tingyun: No need to yell, Master Diviner! The Meridian Pin was malfunctioning and I couldn't find the entrance to the delve. I wanted to get use straight to our destination but this was the only place I could land the Starskiff. Look. "Exalting Sanctum". This place is safe, so we can just walk the rest of the way.

Y/N: Ugh, more walking? You could of just woken up me, and then I could drive the Starskiff straight to-

Stelle: Ohhhhhhh no. We are NOT letting you drive ever again!

Y/N: Wh-Why?! I can drive perfectly fine!

March: If you call flying that thing at dangerously high speeds and doing questionable maneuvers "fine", then sure!

Y/N: You dare insult my driving skills?!

Fu Xuan, Tingyun, and Welt: *sigh*

Fu Xuan begins to do some divination.

March: I heard the Xianzhou can tell your fortune. Is that how they do it? Anyone can count on their fingers...

Y/N: March, this form of divination is incredibly simple, but if you ever tried to do it, you would just look idiotic.

Fu Xuan: I just performed a quick divination and the hexagram is consistent with our current predicament. The starskiff can't take us to the Divination Commission directly. A shame. Without me in charge of the Stellaron crisis, I cannot even imagine the kind of mess the commission must be in.

Ting Yun: It's true. The Divination Commission really can't go a day without Lady Fu.

March: That's why you have to develop your talent pool. Otherwise everything falls apart when you go on vacation...

Y/N: Uh oh...

Fu Xuan: Hmph, since you are clearly ignorant of the commission's internal affairs, I shall absolve you of any of your ridiculous remarks. I'm going ahead to deal with some inquiries. Goodbye.

Stelle: How can we help you?

Fu Xuan: You...certainly are enthusiastic No wonder Jing Yuan wanted you to help us...

March: might not wanna hear this, but the general gave us his word. We have to be present when you question Kafka.

Fu Xuan: Hmph, you think too little of me. My word is my bond! I will stick to my promise even if this delve collapses. That's, uh...very unlikely to happen by the way. To have this prisoner speak, the commission needs to resort to some...unconventional means. The nature of which is confidential and cannot be disclosed. Forgive me. But I can assure you that the questioning will not take place until you arrive, even if it wastes precious time.

Fu Xuan: Once we have dealt with our internal affairs, Y/N will bring you to the Divination Commission. Please be patient.

March: O-okay! We trust you~

Fu Xuan leaves, and March turns to the group.

March: So...looks like I offended someone again.

Stelle: You think?

Y/N: *sigh* FuFu always had a bad temper. That hasn't changed one bit.

Welt: Don't take it to heart, March. Miss Fu Xuan seems like a reasonable lady. I'm sure she's not angry with you.

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