Chapter 2: Meet the Express crew

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3rd POV

In the Space Station, a pink-haired girl carrying a bow, and a black-haired boy were running through the Space Station after realizing the station was under attack while trying to deliver a relic, and were rushing throughout the station attempting to find and recover any researchers within the station, while killing any Antimatter Legion enemies that crossed their paths. Running into a room, they see a familiar face, with an unfamiliar girl in his lap.

???: Hey, it's you again! Why do you always show up to the different universes that we're visiting! And who's that girl in your lap! gasp You didn't kidnap her did you???? HAND HER OVER FLOWER BOY-

???(2): March stop that...for now at least.

The black-haired boy turns to Y/N

???(2): What are you doing here on the Station? You didn't cause the Legion to come here...did you? And who's that girl in your lap.

Y/N: Relax, I had nothing to do with the Antimatter Legion showing up here. As for the girl in my lap, her name is Stelle. When I entered the room, I saw Kafka and Silver Wolf near the girl, who was lying on the floor. They left immediately, but they told me her name. And it's nice to see you two again, though I doubt you want to see me after my latest couple stunts.

March: The Stellaron Hunters were here?? Ugh, if only we got here a bit sooner, we could of caught them! And you're damn right we're annoyed with you!

???(2): You still haven't explained what you were doing on the Space Station.

Y/N: Oh I just decided to make a quick visit, since I was pretty bored.

March: You were definitely going to steal something, weren't you.

Y/N: Hey, I am NOT a thief. I'm simply borrowing these items until I die. Stealing is not the same thing.

March: Yes it is!

Y/N: Is not!

March: Is too!

Y/N: Is not!

???(2): Both of you be quiet.

March: But Dan Henggggggg, Y/N is being annoying!

Dan Heng: And you know very well that it is in his nature.

During the banter between the three, a certain silver-haired MC was waking up...

Stelle: Huh..?

Y/N: Oh, you're awake. Thank god, my legs were going stiff.

Stelle: You' guardian angel?

Y/N: Apparently ya. You can blame the old hag for that title. The name's Y/N.

Stelle simply laid there, staring at his face, and a small smile appeared on her face.

Stelle: Thank you.

Y/N: Ya ya, now get off my lap or I'll be crippled for life.

As Stelle sat up, she looked towards March and Dan Heng.

Stelle: Who are you...

March: My name's March 7th! Everyone just calls me March though. This dark boy next to me is Dan Heng! He's super smart!

Dan Heng: If we are finished with our introductions, we should get moving. We need to get Stelle to a safe area.

Y/N: Agreed. But lemme just take-

Dan Heng: N o .

Y/N: uptight...

As the group leaves the room, Dan Heng tells them he's going to go search for other survivors, while they make their way to the elevator.

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