Chapter 1: A Meeting by Chance

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3rd POV

Y/N was bored. REALLY bored. As in he wasn't doing anything that involved him messing with people. He was relaxing in a hotel room he broke into-I mean borrowed. As he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, a genius idea came to his genius brain.

Y/N: I've got it! I'll go visit Herta's Space Station and maybe possibly steal a Curio or two. I'm sure she won't mind. After all I've gotten, what 9 Curios from there already? Two more couldn't hurt.

Y/N pulls on his neck with his left hand, cyan stems being pulled out, and he warped out of that hotel room faster than even your dad could leave you.

Herta's Space Station

Inside the Space Station, a tall women with purple hair, her ability of spirit whisper, and a stellar sense of fashion, as well as a gamer girl with gray hair, her aether editing, and depressing height, were inside one of the many rooms of the Space Station, searching for a way into Herta's Curio room. Of course, this duo was Stellaron Hunter Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Pausing her search, Kafka looks up and towards Silver Wolf, her ever-present smile seemingly widening a bit.

Kafka: "It seems we have a visitor..."

As Silver Wolf and Kafka look towards the doorway, they see Y/N standing there, one hand on his hip, looking at the duo with a smug smile.

Y/N: Well well well, it's been a while since I've seen you two. Last time I saw you Kafka, you were busy trying to pick out some new sunglasses. And last time I saw you Silver Wolf, I was absolutely destroying you in-

Silver Wolf: Shut up. That was a fluke.

Y/N: Mhm sure. Anyways I'm assuming you guys are looking for Herta's little Curio collection?

Kafka: Right on point. You wouldn't mind helping us out a little, would you Little Flower~?

Y/N: No need for me. Miss Salty Stale Skill Issue has already found the solution. I can tell.

Silver Wolf: Tch. Shut up. But ya I got the solution. It's a pretty interesting system.

After a bit of hacking on Silver Wolf's part, a hole in the wall suddenly appears, giving an entrance to the room which Herta is housing a Stellaron in.

Kafka: Well, Herta's certainly crafty with her defense, isn't she?

Silver Wolf: Mhm. The old hag doesn't expect people to break into her space station, but that doesn't mean she won't put up some pretty good defense. Unfortunately for her, I'm here.

While Kafka and Silver Wolf were busy with the Stellaron, Y/N was busy trying to steal some items in the room, only to realize the room was about as barren as your love life. Beginning to slightly regret his decision on following the hunters, he decided to have a chat with the Stellaron Hunters as to not make this trip a complete waste. And anyways, he was curious about some of the members and their current state.

Y/N: Soooooooooo. How's Bladie?

Kafka: He's doing fine, though a bit more grumpy than usual.

Silver Wolf: That guy is ALWAYS grumpy, how do you tell the level of grumpy that he's at right now?

Kafka: The tone and length of his grunts.

Y/N: And Sam?

Kafka: Causing his usual destruction.

As Kafka and Silver Wolf finished up, a silver-haired girl with amber eyes appeared and fell onto the floor.

???: Kafka..?

Kafka: Good, you remember me. Listen: You are in a daze right now. You don't know who you are, why you're here, or what you're going to do next. You think I look familiar, but you're not sure if you should trust me. None of that matters. All you need to know is that I'm leaving, and you will be left all alone on this space station. From now on, you needn't think about your past or doubt yourself. You will encounter perils and hardships, but also have wonderful experiences. You'll meet companions that will treat you like family, and go on many journeys with them. This is your future that Elio has foreseen.

Silver Wolf: How long do you need? According to the script, the Astral Express crew is arriving real soon. We should avoid being seen.

Kafka: I know, just a minute. Listen, someone is going to come and find you soon. Just go with them. And also...

Kafka looks at Y/N

Kafka: Trust the boy here. He will act as your guardian angel.

Stelle faints, and Y/N looks at Kafka with a curious expression?

Y/N: Me? As her guardian? You sure are putting a lot of faith in me Kafka. How do you know I won't kill her the moment you leave?

Kafka: Simple: You won't. You may never be a part of the scripts and visions of Elio, but he has voiced that you surely have a part in this. We trust you to take care of Stelle for us.

Y/N: Alright alright. Get going now, the Astral Express crew is coming.

Kafka: Well then, see you later

Silver Wolf: Y/N, hop on in 4 hours. I'll show you just how much of a fluke that win was.

Y/N: Hehe, I'll be waiting~

As the Stellaron Hunters left, Y/N took a seat near Stelle and put her head on his lap. Stroking her hair, he lets out a sigh.

Finally, a journey that will last.

A/n: Hello! This is my first story if you can't tell from the choppy dialogue and writing. Give feedback and I'll make improvements. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, but I'll try my best.

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