Chapter 12: Preservation

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3rd POV

The group walks up the mountain, noting the extreme cold that was around them.

March: It's f-freezing here! The blizzard is so fierce around here...

Dan Heng: It means we're getting close to the Stellaron...and the heart of the Eternal Freeze.

The group passes under what seems to be a...hand?

Seele: Did the Architects make this..?

Y/N: This designs are very different from the ones in Belebog.

Stelle: Y/N, are you not cold?

Y/N is still wearing the maid outfit. Yes, he's fighting Cocolia in a maid outfit.

Y/N: Nope. I'm completely immune to the cold, so this just feels like a nice light breeze for me.

March: L-Lucky you...

Stelle: What do we do if Cocolia takes Bronya hostage?

Seele: We have to save her. The Underworld...No, the entire planet relies on her.

At the top of the mountain, the group sees Cocolia and Bronya, standing in front of the Stellaron, encased by a metal caging, but very clearly active.

Bronya: ...N-no....

Cocolia: Do not resist, Bronya...Accept the common will! Look at it! A world without poverty, without suffering, without cold! Look upon their promised future! Break free from the chains of human fault! The Stellaron will lead humanity to evolve, and-

Suddenly Cocolia is interrupted by a snowball to the face, followed up by another one.

Y/N: Shut up, ya damn witch. My ears are ringing.

Cocolia turns to the group, an irritated expression on her face, and some snow still on it, which she wipes away.

Cocolia:...So you came...Y/N, what are you wearing?

Y/N: Blame your daughter. And Seele. And Stelle.

Cocolia: Haha, you look quite good in it. Though, I thought that the blizzard had entombed you,

Seele: You wish! We aren't going down until you do first!

Seele turns to Bronya.

Seele: Bronya! I don't know what happened with you and them, and even if you explained I probably wouldn't get it. But there are two things that I DO know. One: These guys have gone through hell to get here, to seal the Stellaron thing. Two: Remember what Y/N and I promised? If anything happened to you, we would come save you. Got it? Even if you've forgotten it, I'll just knock you out and bring you back myself!

Bronya: I...

Cocolia:...Are you done? I think that's enough time for you farewell. Bronya, I brought you here for another reason. I have told you all the truths there are to tell: My wish, my deal with the Stellaron...There are no more secrets between us. To create a new what I want. But to rule over it without you by my side...would torment me. Constant and enduring torment! Maybe I should thank you, outsiders...With your pressure, I was at long last compelled to final weakness.

Cocolia: Bronya, you've always had a choice in the past. I have never forced anything onto you. That remains true, right now.

Bronya:...Madame Cocolia...I am grateful to you for raising me, and for giving me to privilege to choice. But...on this final occasion...I cannot stand with you. I am sorry, mother. Our ancestors built this city, striving in the bitter cold for a better world. Even if this world is doomed to crumble, we should allow humanity to pave its way to the final outcome.

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