Chapter 13: Welcome to the Xianzhou

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3rd POV

Having returned to the Astral Express, Y/N and the others were currently relaxing after such an eventful expedition. March and Dan Heng were in their respective rooms, doing whatever they normally do. Stelle and Y/N were resting in the main room, with Y/N sleeping on Stelle's lap, while she pats his head. Suddenly, Pom-Pom gets on the speakers and makes an announcement.

Pom-Pom: Hello? Hello? Hello! It's about time we hit the road, Trailblazers! After the hard work of four Trailblazers, the activity of Fragmentum has hit the lowest level, and the readings of the star rail are back to normal! Pom-Pom will dispatch the Express shortly to leave Jarilo-VI. Please be seated and say your goodbyes to this planet!

March appears in the main hall, and walks up to Stelle.

March: Looks like we're setting off! Let's go get Dan Heng in here. Pom-Pom wants a meeting to talk about our next destination.

Stelle: Sure...But uh...

Y/N was still asleep, meaning that Stelle was unable to get up.

March:...Ya I see the problem. Don't worry, I'll wake up Dan Heng!

March rushes off to wake him up, as Stelle looks out the window and sees Jarilo-VI outside.

Stelle: What an adventure...It was hard, but also really fun. Y/N was right, my story really is exciting.

March walks back into the room.

March: He'll be out in a bit. He definitely slept in. We Trailblazers can go days without sleep, but the moment we hit the hay, we'll just be knocked out for hours to make up for it!

March walks around the room and talks with Himeko and Welt, while Stelle continues to pat the sleeping Y/N. Pom-Pom enters the room, and they all gather near where Stelle was sitting, since they all understood that Y/N can't be woken up.

Pom-Pom: Firstly, Pom-Pom wants to congratulate you, the Nameless, for successfully resolving the issue at this stop. The Express is now able to continue along the star rail!

March: The four of us actually pulled it off, huh Stelle!

Stelle: Yup!

Pom-Pom: It's time for your conductor, ahem that's me, to reveal our next stop...

Suddenly, an hologram of Kafka appears within the Express, holding an umbrella in front of her to probably add some mysterious effect to her entry. The others immediately turn to the hologram and tense up from the sudden appearance of the Stellaron Hunter.

Kafka: Long time no see, Astral Express crew. It's Kafka.

She begins to walk forward.

Kafka: I came at a good time. You're all here...Every single one...(Kafka, Dan Heng isn't here...)

Himeko: No need for the mysterious introduction. Stellaron Hunter.

Kafka laughs, and her umbrella disappears. She turns to Himeko and points at her.

Kafka: Himeko, right? Apologies for interrupting your little get together, but I'm sure once you've heard my request, you'll forgive me.

She walks towards a desk and rhythmically taps a desk with her fingers.

Kafka: I'd like to make a...destination alteration.

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