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Sema and Eda Nur exchanged nervous glances before Sema spoke up. Zeynep, we need to tell you something. Zeynep's heart skipped a beat. What is it? She thought. Her life was full of problems and right now she was not ready for a new problem or something.
Eda Nur's voice was gentle. You're pregnant, Zeynep. You're going to have a baby. Zeynep's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. It was totally unexpected.
Sema's expression turned serious. But we must keep this a secret from Halil Ibrahim for now. The men are stressed and on edge due to the tensions with the Leto's, and we can't risk him finding out and... overreacting. Zeynep nodded, understanding. She knew Halil Ibrahim's temper and how he might react to the news. She felt a surge of fear for her unborn child's safety and her own. Eda Nur's hand on her arm was reassuring. We'll support you through this, Zeynep. We'll keep your secret safe until the time is right. Zeynep smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew she could trust Sema and Eda Nur with her life, and now, with the life of her unborn child. Zeynep's face lit up with a warm smile and a warm smile. Thank you, dear friends. I don't know what I'd do without you both. You're my rock, my confidantes... my family. Sema and Eda Nur smiled back, their eyes shining with love and support. We'll get through this together, Zeynep, Sema said, her voice firm. We'll make sure you and your baby are safe and happy. Eda Nur nodded, her expression determined. And we'll keep Halil Ibrahim's temper in check, don't worry. We've dealt with him before, remember?  Zeynep chuckled, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance. She knew she was in good hands with Sema and Eda Nur by her side. Just then, a knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Sema's eyes narrowed. I'll get it. Stay here, Zeynep. We don't want anyone to suspect a thing. Zeynep nodded, her heart beating slightly faster. She knew the risks were high, but with Sema and Eda Nur's help, she felt a sense of hope and determination. She would protect her unborn child, no matter what it took. As Sema opened the door, it was Halil Ibrahim. They both looked at each other and then at Zeynep.

As Halil Ibrahim entered the room, Sema and Eda Nur swiftly excused themselves, leaving Zeynep alone with him. Zeynep's gaze drifted away, lost in thought, her mind racing with worries about her future and the safety of her unborn child. Halil Ibrahim approached her, his eyes filled with concern. Zeynep, what's wrong? You seem troubled, he asked, his voice gentle.
Zeynep forced a smile, trying to brush off her fears. I'm fine, Halil Ibrahim. Just a bit tired, that's all. Halil Ibrahim's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing that she was hiding something. Is everything okay? You can trust me, he said, his tone soft but inquiring. Zeynep forced a smile, trying to brush off her fears. "I'm fine, Halil. Just a bit tired, that's all. I think I need some sleep and rest. Halil Ibrahim nodded understandingly. You've been through a lot lately. You should take care of yourself. Zeynep nodded, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude that Halil Ibrahim wasn't pressing her for more information. "I will. Thank you for understanding. Halil Ibrahim smiled and turned to leave. Get some rest, Zeynep. I'll check on you later. As he exited the room, Zeynep let out a sigh of relief. She was grateful for Halil Ibrahim's kindness, but she knew she couldn't confide in him about her secrets. Not yet, at least. She needed to keep her guard up, for the sake of her unborn child.

Halil Ibrahim couldn't shake off the feeling of concern as he left Zeynep's room. She had brushed off his questions too quickly, and her tired eyes told a different story. He had known Zeynep for a while now, and he could sense when something was off.
As he walked down the hallway, he decided to seek out Eda Nur, who had been helping Zeynep with with everything. Maybe she knew something about Zeynep's condition that he didn't. Eda Nur, can I talk to you for a moment? Halil Ibrahim asked, finding her in the garden. Eda Nur looked up from her work, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Of course, Halil. What's on your mind?
I'm worried about Zeynep, Halil Ibrahim said, his brow furrowed. She seems really tired and troubled. Do you know if everything is okay with her health?
Eda Nur expression turned guarded, and Halil Ibrahim sensed that she was hiding something. Zeynep is fine, Halil. Just a bit of fatigue, that's all. Halil Ibrahim wasn't convinced. He knew Eda Nur was a skilled midwife, but he also knew she was fiercely protective of Zeynep. He decided to keep a closer eye on Zeynep's condition, just in case.

Days passed, and Halil Ibrahim found himself checking on Zeynep frequently, trying to gauge her condition. She seemed a bit better, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.
One morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, Halil Ibrahim decided to pay Zeynep another visit. He knocked on her door, and when she opened it, he was taken aback by her pale complexion and dark circles under her eyes. Zeynep, you don't look well at all, Halil Ibrahim said, his concern evident in his tone. Maybe I should fetch Eda Nur or a doctor? Zeynep forced a weak smile. No, no, Halil. I'm fine. Just a bit of morning sickness, that's all. Halil Ibrahim wasn't convinced, but before he could press the issue further, Zeynep swayed slightly, her eyes closing momentarily. Zeynep! Halil Ibrahim exclaimed, catching her by the elbow. You need to sit down, right now. As he guided her back into her room, Halil Ibrahim knew he had to do something. Zeynep's condition was deteriorating, and he couldn't just stand by and watch.

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