something not very good :2?

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Hey so the story I told about earlier , "not very good" I guess it has changed, it's been 3-4 days since then the day after that night, in the morning I got di's call asking if I am coming for breakfast I said yes, since I was in sleep at that time, and then after waiting for around 20 minutes I went to mess by myself and then her call came again when I was there to ask if I was already in the mess and I said , yes... I was already in a down mood since my head was still aching .
And she told me somethings as to why she did not pick up the call (because her ex was calling at the same time so she didn't see the screen ), and explained what that men was trying to do too, distancing himself from phone and all that I was like ohk.

After 3-4 days I met him in the department, yeah very unexpected I was like why did he came? ' and he saw me sitting on the chair amma waved at me, and I also waved at him latter within 5mins after doing his work in department he came back and sat beside me, I don't remember clearly but yeah he knew I was in bad mood , he didn't try to trigger me but said , you still in bad mood ?  I was in bad mood so I was just staring at him, trying to look through his specs into his eyes looking for my answer, and after a while or so other people came, now obviously My bad mood isn't an infection so I chatted with them normaly(?) Or so , after a while when those people were chatting with themselves, (di and my batchmate) he told me,' you know I wasn't ignoring you right?' I looked at him and was like, demnnnnn he repeated that for the second time and I was like, ohk I know , like I don't know I was angry or what, I know he was trying to use his phone, but I also know that he definitely saw that text so this and that bla bla , not angry but I didn't get my answer what should I talk to you about eh? And then I guess I got up and tried to climb on his thigh like, I was trying to balance myself on his thigh (I was in kneeling position on his thighs) and then I had pen in my hand and grabbed his hand and started writing on his hand and he said , 'yeah write whatever you want to say' like, So I casually wrote some stupid stuffs on his hands, well yeah , [ my mood is governed by his presence I will say to be honest] and at the end I wrote in his hand that I won't talk to you and a staff came and shoed us away from where we were sitting.

I didn't notice this change at that time but he stopped calling me and only replied to my calls and called back, and there was no initiation from his side .
Next story next part, well this has just becoming a part of my life that I would like to not repeat but whatever has happened, nothing that I'm gonna regret ! Not yet, and I hope that never happens too,

Cause, I am strong right?

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