New one?

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Hey so, here I am again to write my yet another dream, it about 2-3 weeks ago , 

I got a real creepy dream, you see speed is something I don't like, creepy, speedy , whatever you may think of, it's about me and my friend we were in a building on some XYZ floor in the balcony, there was a kid in front in another balcony who was hanging on that balcony , singing ~sisterrr~ ~ sisterrr~  we felt creep from that very position that kid was in , and suddenly a hand came from behind , another little girl and she started walking and took us to 2nd floor balcony, and finally said something for the first time , 'if you believe in <something> (I don't remember what that something is most probably a human's name) then jump of , it was some athletics or something to jump over to another[3rd] building , I said 'are you mad or what, we're not jumping!!'

We both came back to the starting point and saw that kid had gone hyper already , this time he was shouting out 'sisterrrrrr! Sisterrrr! ' in Pain? I don't know .

That's when I woke up, but I didn't have the courage to open my eyes as my body was shivering so badland I could feel my hearbeating till my throat, I was just too scared that if I open my eyes and there's actually someone I would scream in the room and roommates will wake up , but that shivering felt like, something was entering within my body , it had started from my left body and was there till it reached the right side fully and stopped shivering finally and my heartbeat was finally calm (no longer audible to my ears).

That's when I called people rather than going to my roommates , I called my father first as he usually wakes up early, it was 5:45 am so yeah, I called him, and they said something something , well I had already calmed myself down so I just wanted to talk, well, it didn't help I guess so I called another person um...pretty special person, I don't know if I am just getting habit of having him around in my life, or just actually getting hooked up with him, but yeah I have got this clear with him, to have no feeling between us, but I guess I am the one getting bent here , ugh leave it.(I will tell more about it later ( in a way you won't know) so, actually I had overcome that fear at that very moment and I wasn't feeling anything at all but yeah, maybe obsession or anything I just wanted to talk so I called him and he picked up , and asked me directly , what happened?? So I said nothing, I just called you to wake you up, you gotta come to college , and he again asked, everything's fine right? I said I got a bad dream , and he said alright and then we chatted for a while but he didn't ask me about my dream in all of that chat, and after a conversation of about 5 min , I said alright go to sleep I will do something else and wake up if you wanna come at right time, and he said alrightt~ I will sleep for a while again then ( as usual pretty well and normal conversation).

I will work this[my feelings] out I guess , next I will write about the imaginations that I am getting of a person,very recent thing**

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