Chapter 16

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Hanna saw the panic written on her sister's face and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Summer turned and saw her sister's reassuring gaze then she nodded softly in appreciation. Hanna turned and faced her parents and said,"I'll give you money, okay. I have 30 000 in my bank account. Mr Cale let out a sound of disappointment and shook his head saying,"Oh." Then turning to her colleagues he said,"You all heard her. She's married to Christian Norton. She's sending us home with only 30 grand!" Hanna stared at her father and raised an eyebrow mockingly. Summer stared at the ground guiltily on hearing her father's words and wrapped her hands tightly around the strap of her white leather bag. Mr Cale continued his rant,"It's embarrassing. Her own poor parents!" Mrs Cale then said,"My goodness what are you thinking?" Hanna then lowly said with irritation lacing her voice,"Fine. They won't leave, I will." Latching onto her sister's hand she tried to walk away, when their father stopped them saying,"Stop right there! Mrs. One-percenter! Then he slapped Hanna across her face causing her colleagues to gasp in surprise. Hanna delicately touched her aching cheek then standing to her full height she angrily said,"You know what? I did marry Christian, okay? But that's his money. Not mine. Summer and I sent you money every single  month. We're nothing but cash cows to you now! Just leave me and my sister alone!" Pointing his finger at her Mr Cale said,"I'm your father! Whatever you earn belongs to me!" Mrs Cale butted in saying,"Me too." Christian's voice suddenly came from the crowd saying,"What if you're not their father?" He slowly moved to stand beside Hanna and wrapped an arm around her waist while patting Summer's head. Mr Cale stared Christian up and down, and said,"So this is our fancy schmancy son-in-law! Look just give us the money and we'll be on our way. We are all family here." Christian glared at him and said,"Except, you're not Hanna and Summer's family." Hanna stared at Christian curiously while Summer shouted out surprised,"Christian." Mr Cale then nervously said,"Well" Mrs Cale raised her hand silencing Mr Cale, turning to Christian she said,"What are you talking about? I think I would know my own daughter!" Christian ignored her and turned to Hanna saying,"Hanna, I wanted to talk to you first, but it seems, I don't have a choice. I have the results of yours and Summer's blood type. Turning to her parents he said,"You're not Hanna and Summer's parents and if you don't admit it, a DNA test can easily prove it." Mr Cale pointed at Christian and angrily said,"You wanna cut us off with some f*****g test? Hell no!" Gesturing to Hanna and Summer, he said,"They will always be the daughters of Gary Cale!" Mrs Cale then touched his arm and gestured to herself causing to continue and say,"And Sheila Cale.

Nancy who was standing at the back and hiding her face under a black cap on seeing her plan fail said through gritted teeth,"Useless idiots!" The scene changed to show Hanna standing in Christian's office staring out the window, lost in thought. Christian entered into the room and approached Hanna on seeing her mindlessly wringing her hands. Hanna on seeing Christian forced a smile onto her face and said," Everything makes so much sense now. Why Summer and I were always treated that way... Why they always favoured our brother..." Christian softly said,"I know it's a lot to take in. I definitely understand how you feel." Hanna softly shook her head as her eyes got blurry and shakily said,"They're not worth my tears. Besides, I feel like- I'm free like I've finally broken out of a cage." Christian nodded softly in understanding as Hanna continued saying,"They've always been horrible. If it wasn't for our grandmother, I don't even think Summer and I would have finished high school. Then I worked hard to pay for college. I never really believed in love because I thought love meant pain because of the way my parents treated Summer and I. Seeing Summer suffering because of Vincent kind of affirmed my belief. It's always been Summer and me against the world even though sometimes the weight of the world was just too heavy for me to carry." Christian held Hanna's hands and brushed her hair behind her ear saying,"Hey, you don't have to worry about the past anymore. Look at me." Hanna stared at him through teary eyes as he said,"I'm your home now. Okay?" Hanna nodded softly. Christian brought her to his chest and kissed her forehead tenderly.

The scene changed to show Summer sobbing with her head buried in her knees as she sat on the floor. Hanna entered into the washroom and found her in this state, rushing to her sister she brought her into her arms and whispered reassuring words to her. Summer looked up and stared at her sister and said," Hanna, I don't know why I'm crying. I mean they treated us so badly yet hear I am crying my eyes out because of them." Hanna stared sadly at her and said,"I know how you feel. It's like we're free." Summer chuckled softly and said,"Exactly. It just feels so surreal. I mean they treated us badly and when I met Vincent I thought he would change everything, so I supported him through everything, only for him to abandon me for a rich girl. I've always been on my own." Hanna firmly grasped Summer's hand and said,"You are not alone. I have been with you every step of the way and I won't abandon you. Also you have an amazing brother-in-law and also Jess. So don't ever feel alone." Summer smiled on hearing her sister's words and teasingly said,"You are in love." Hanna smiled bashfully and said,"I am. I mean he has treated me with so much love and care, I could not help but fall hopelessly. Anyway let's get you home so you can rest. It's been and eventful day." Helping Summer to her feet, they both left the building.

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