chapter 12

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Christian stared intently as she lay on the white hospital bed. His brows were furrowed and worry was etched on his face. Hanna gradually stirred from her sleep. Her long lashes softly fluttered like butterfly wings and rose to reveal her curious honey brown eyes. She stared at Christian sitting on her bed side and then diverted her attention to the room they were in. On seeing the unfamiliar room, her lips parted as she asked,"What happened?" Christian answered her patiently,"The doctor said it was low blood sugar and slight anemia." Then with downcast eyes he softly asked,"Why didn't you call for help?" Hanna on hearing his downcast tone felt slightly confused as to why he was worried about her this much,"Maybe he has feelings for me too." Then she hurriedly shook that thought out of her head and answered him,"The door locked from outside... after Helen left." A layer of frost covered Christian's eyes on hearing Helen's name but it quickly disappeared as he faced Hanna and said,"Don't worry that won't happen again. I promise you." On hearing his words of reassurance Hanna placed her hand on top of his and gratefully said,"Thank you for always looking out for me." Christian's smiled then his hand moved to touch her nose as he said,"Isn't that what husband's are for?"

The scene changed to show the two workers from earlier leaving the office building. The woman spoke with jealousy lacing her voice,"Well, I guess he really is into Hanna Cale." Nancy who was standing at an inconspicuous corner turned on hearing their words and stared intently as they walked towards her direction. The man answered,"I guess. Didn't you see how he ran into the restroom? Why would he choose her over somebody like Helen Hanks?" Nancy strutted towards the pair and said,"Hold on. Tell me everything you know about Hanna Cale. I'll make sure it's worth your while." The scene returned to show the hospital where Hanna and Christian were walking towards the exit holding hands. A photographer on seeing the couple blocked their path and snapped photos of them. Christian tried to block the camera, even shouting out,"Hey. Fuck outta here." Then he pushed the photographer away. Hanna tried hiding her face as her heart pounded in fear. Christian pulled Hanna towards the exit as the photographer continued snapping photos behind them. Once they had left the photographer approached Nancy's awaiting figure and gave the photos to her while she gave him a stack of cash.
Nancy smiled wickedly as she pressed a string of numbers on her phone and placed it near her ear. When the call went through she said,"I have a scoop for you. I'll send over the details right now."

Hanna alighted from the car and slung her bag over her shoulder. "You" She turned to see two hostile girls approaching her and the one from earlier continued,"stole Christian from our Helen. You shameless bitch!" Hanna calmly answered them,"I don't know what you're talking about! Since when did Christian belong to her?" The girls angrily cut her off,"Shut up. You man stealing whore!" Hanna stared at them perplexed on hearing their offensive words. Christian came out of the car shouting,"Hey. Back the hell off!" Then he turned to Hanna and softly said,"Get in the car." Hanna quickly boarded the car. The two girls on seeing Christian's intimidating figure retreated and left the scene. Christian glanced at their retreating figures then closed the car door and walked to the other side and entered the car. Hanna took deep breaths trying to calm herself down as Christian's secretary said,"Sir it's gone viral. Everyone thinks you're cheating, on your fiancee, Helen Hanks, and that you sent your employee to jail for your mistress." Christian slammed his fist on the car seat then pointed at the two girls from earlier saying,"Those two, track them down. I want them arrested for slander and assault. Also call my PR team. I'm announcing my marriage with Hanna today!"

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