Chapter 3

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A shiny, expensive, black car stood outside the bureau. Christian opened the back door and sat down on the red leather seat. Releasing a long breath, he took out his laptop. A dark, skinned woman with a bob hairstyle turned in the driver's seat to face him. She spoke to him,"Mr Norton." Christian answered,"Yeah" On hearing his response she continued,"I gave Mr Williams the new project like you asked to stop his daughter from coming to the blind date." Christian answered without looking at her and said,"I knew I could count on you." The secretary turned to him and said,"But sir-, we cannot keep giving away business like this. And your grandmother is not gonna stop until you get married." Christian turned to her and said," Well, I have some news for you then. I just got married." The secretary looked at him surprised but also doubtfully.

The scene then changed to show Summer and Hanna entering into an office. Bright smiles were plastered on both their faces. Walking towards their desks they both sat down prompting Jess to turn to them and start asking questions, saying,"So did you take care of that cheating rat and his Minnie mouse." Summer answered her,saying,"I guess you could say that. And you should have seen that bitch after Hanna spilled coffee all over her." Hanna answered with a whooping,"Hell yeah." Laughter broke out between the girls. While they were laughing a loud voice shouted out,"Summer and Hanna Cale!" A woman with red hair walked towards their work area and said,"I don't know how you find the time to dilly-dally and gossip when your KPI is in the toilet!" Then she threw the document in her hand towards the sisters. Then she said to them,"We want an interview with the CEO of Norton Enterprises. Make it happen or you're both fired!" Jess tried to come to their rescue by saying,"But Mr Norton is the youngest tycoon on Wall Street. Even the New York Times needs months to get an interview with him." The red haired woman turned to Jess and said,"I'm sorry did anybody hear me ask Jess for her opinions?" Then she turned to the twins,"You have 72 hours. And there are some boxes in the storage closet, incase you wanna get a head start cleaning up your desks."Then she strutted out of their sight. Jess turned and watched the girls. Hanna angrily said,"She is another one who needs a beating. Don't worry Summer I have a plan so please promise that you won't oppose to it. Promise me." Summer looked at her sister and reluctantly promised her.

Hanna looked at the file before her and opened it. Her eyes widened on seeing the photo of the youngest tycoon. She couldn't help but lowly say,"It's him."

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