Chapter 15

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The continuous ringing of the phone woke Hanna up from her peaceful slumber. Her long lashes fluttered softly and opened to reveal her honey brown eyes blurred by remnants of sleep. Searching blindly for it, her hand finally came into contact with the cold case of her phone. Partially sitting on the bed she glanced at the caller id then answered it and brought it to her ear. The sound of her brother's voice registered in her ears as he said,"Hey, big sis. Hey, long time no see." Hanna immediately sat straight on the bed as she waited for him to continue. He went on saying,"So dad and mom are sorry, about everything, you know. And they were wondering if maybe you would want to perhaps get dinner with us?" Hanna answered him in a hostile voice and said,"What do you want Ben?" Their dad snatched Ben's phone on hearing Hanna's reply and brought it to his ear saying,"Ungrateful b***h! You might be married to Christian Norton and living the high life,but we're your family! You better wire us 1.5 million,get us a house in the city!" Ben tried to warn his father to tone it down a notch but he continued with his demands. Hanna on hearing his demands asked,"What are you gonna do if I say no? Sell me to another loan shark?" Taking the phone away from her ear she ended the call. On realizing what Hanna had done her father threw the phone on the sofa saying,"B***h hung up on me!" Ben stared at him and leaned on the sofa while releasing a heavy sigh and pat his dad's back and said,"Great dad. You just burned that bridge for the rest of us." Raising his hands in mock surrender he said,"Now what?"

Both sat in deep contemplation when suddenly the sound of the door opening drew their attention. Ben's mother entered and gestured for Nancy and Vincent to enter, on seeing the two extra figures the lounging figures abruptly stood up. Vincent stood with his hands in his pockets and said,"It's been a while, Mr Cale." Staring at Nancy, Mr Cale gestured towards her and said,"You broke up with Summer for this ugly thing? Man-stealing b***h! How much time and money we spent on Vincent before you dragged him into your bed?" Nancy stared at him and said,"Pleased to make your acquaintance too, Mr Cale. Have you ever heard of the saying:The enemy of my enemy is a friend?" Turning to her Mr Cale said,"What are you babbling about?" Nancy said exasperatedly and with a roll of her eyes,"Jesus. I know where your daughter is!" They stared at her perplexed at this statement.

The scene changed to the next day. Mr and Mrs Cale stood infront of Summer and Hanna's colleagues as Mr Cale said,"Please help us! We lost contact with our daughters after they came to the city. We're desperate to find them!" Mrs Cale put a 'comforting' hand on his shoulder. A woman said with disgust lacing her voice,"They're talking about Summer and Hanna Cale! This is how they treat their parents?" Mr Cale continued saying,"Please." A male employee said venomously,"The Cales really are snakes. They kicked their family to the curb to sip tea in a fancy mansion." Mr Cale's voice sounded in the background saying,"Please let us see Summer and Hanna." The male employee continued on seeing this and said,"What b****'s!" Mr Cale continued saying,"We just wanna know if they are okay. They are our baby girls and we love them so much!" Mrs Cale put her hand to her chest and echoed saying,"We love you so much." Mr Cale continued,"It breaks our hearts that she's-." Before he could finish speaking Hanna's voice cut saying,"Mom? Dad?" Hanna and Summer walked through the crowd and came face to face twitch their parents. As if delighted to see them Mr and Mrs Cale shouted out,"Summer! Hanna." Their mother engulfed them in her embrace causing the sisters to stare questioningly at each other.Mrs Cale continued saying,"Oh! Summer, Hanna." Mr Cale stared at them and in a morose tone said,"Why did you put us of all these years?" Hanna tiredly said to them,"Let's just go somewhere quieter,okay? There's too many people around." Mr Cale firmly said,"No, we're not going anywhere!" Hanna stared at them annoyance clearly written on her face. Summer heard a faint ringing sound on realizing that they were making things hard for them deliberately.

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