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I woke up a little earlier than others. With the hopes of making them a delicious breakfast.

I slowly pulled Vera off me. She cuddled me the whole night, probably having nightmares because of the movie, it was adorable. I got up carefully, trying to not wake anyone up.

Once I left Ian's room I made my way downstairs. I knew all of their houses like the back of my hand. It would be convenient in times like these.

I went inside the guest bathroom, pulled off the hair tie from my arm and tied my hair. I opened the tap water and washed my face with cold water to wake myself up. Then I dried my face with paper towels.

When that was done I went towards the kitchen. Closed the door when I entered so they wouldn't wake up to my noise. Even though I try to be as quiet as I can.

Tania and Kylie are light sleepers. Learned that the hard way.

In times like these I get reminded of how mixed our friendgroup is. It's not usually a problem for us. But when its time to eat we would have slight issues sometimes. Cultural difference is a big thing. We all grew up eating different foods from one other. While we got used to eating each others cultural foods we still had different food tastes. I always tried to find recepies that would fit us all.

I liked cooking a lot, it was a way I could show my love without having to put it into words. Which I was not the best at. I sometimes had trouble expressing the graditude and the love I have for others. I cooked most of the time when I was with them. They loved my cooking and I loved cooking for them. Seeing them happy while eating the food I cooked gave me nothing but pure happiness.

So I quickly started scrambleing the cabinets and the fridge to see what they had. Turns out the grocery shopping was done yesterday by Ian's mom so I had a lot of materials to work with. I smiled with satisfaction.

This is going to be one heck of a breakfast.

With that I started cooking. I made six buns with cheese filings and ten cinnamon rolls. It might seem like a lot but we all loved cinnamon rolls. I also unfreezed some of the pastry stuff they had left over in the microwave.

When that was done I started working on the cutlery board. I cut off different types of cheeses into a big cutlery board. Another common thing we all loved. Cheese.

Then I got reminded of something.

Shit, the olives.

I quickly grabbed the olive jar and added olives to a small bowl. Tania loved olives.

I was just washing my hands trying to get rid of the oil when Opal came into the kitchen with sleepy eyes. Her bright pink bonnet on her hair. She could barely keep her eyes open. I giggled at her. "Good morning sunshine."

She threw me a nasty look and took a piece of cheese from the cutlery board and threw it into her mouth.

"Must you always wake up so damn early Estelle?" She asked while stretching her arms and back.

I just shrugged. "I wanted to bake some stuff for you guys. It has been a while since I have done so."

She nodded. "I will help you set the table babe." Opal took the plates and went out to the porch. Yawning while carrying them.

I quickly grabbed the knifes and the forks, going after her. I waited until she was done placing down the plates. I then placed the cutlery stuff down.

I was placing the last fork when we heard a whistle coming from the kitchen. Me and Opal turned around to see who it was. It was Tania.

"Estelle this now this is why you are my favourite baby." She said while pointing down to the food I baked. She bent over and took a good sniff of the freshly baked cinnamons.

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