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I'm not the person that likes major changes. They always seemed scary to me. I didn't like the idea of getting used to something from the start. I liled what I had. I know how ridiculous it sounds but hear me out.

Changes means new routines. It means leaving the routine you are used to and having to establish a new one. Which isn't ideal.

Although, there is an expection to one of these changes that I am okay with. The one I'm currently in right now.

On the car, writing in my journal, music in my ears, our car being filled with our suitcases that holds the stuff we will be using for the next three months.

The only situation that makes me believe changes aren't that bad. Maybe they can be good.

I dropped my pen on my journal. My neck was getting stiff. I lifted my gaze from my journal. I quickly took off my headphones.


I muttered to myself while rubbing my sore neck.

My mom, who never misses any chance to prove she's right, "I told you to wait until we are there. But you never listen do you, stubborn like a goat. Tch."

I let out a loud sigh at her words. Must she always do this?

She gave me a dirty look. Almost like she could her what I was thinking.

Which was more than was enough for me to cave in. "Fine, I will continue when we are there." I said and picked up my journal and pen on my lap, opened my backpack to put them inside.

Once that's done I sat back on my seat and opened my phone to check if I had any new messages.

I quickly replied to Piper's message asking me how long we had left. She sends me the "ok" text the second I replied to her. Love me some fast replying friends. I thought to myself.

I was feeling so excited to see them again. Nine months have pasted since we all last saw each other.

It was supposed to be 8 but some complications happened..

One month ago:

I could feel the weight of the shopping bags in my hands as I walked to where my mother was. I adjusted the bags and started walking faster.

I loved shopping for summer. It was a reminder of how little I have till I could reunite with them. My chaotic family..

As I approached the table I could see the stress on my mother's face.

When I was in front of the table where she was sitting, I decided to ask.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked, placing the shopping bags on the chair. Then sat down in front of her.

She just shaked her head and let out a sigh. It was almost like she didn't want to say anything. Didn't want me to know.

So I sat down infront of her and placed my hands on hers. Hoping to give her some emotional support.

When she finally spoke my world came crashing down.

"Your grandmother fell in front of the house, an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. They put her in an x-ray. Found out that she has a broken hip and needs surgery as soon as possible, probably tomorrow."

"What?" I spat out. I couldn't believe it. "But mom we are supposed to leave to our summer house in two weeks. What's gonna happen?" I asked. You could easily tell the worry in my tone. Not that I felt bad for grandma.

Mom just shaked her head.

Oh no..

Then she spoke. "We aren't going Estelle. We need to go to the Capital as soon as possible to help. You know your aunt and grandpa can't handle her. I need to be there."

No no no no no this must be a nightmare.

"Mom what about my brithday? What about summer? I don't want to go. Please mom I really don't." I was a babbling mess. I was trying to find excuses to convince my mom. None of them seemed convincing enough. Could this day get any worse?

"Estelle, this is your grandmother we are talking about. We can't go and enjoy our holiday like nothing is wrong." She spoke calmly. How could she be calm in this situation? After all grandma has done to us.

I never understood how she could act like this. Like nothing happened in the past. No matter how much grandma hurt her, my mother always came to grandma's aid. It was almost like she didn't want mom to forget anything. She enjoy messing with mom's mental health.

And so we did. We went to the capital. Mom took care of grandma for three weeks. My grandpa and aunt tried to cheer me up. They knew I wasn't happy and that I didn't have a say in this. So I celebrated my birthday in a place I would never want to. Even if I was with my family, I had to endure that house and grandma for a month.

While all my friends were enjoying summer together. They were going to the beach, drinking, going out and so much more. While I was stuck inside the house. They facetimed me from time to time but it still wasn't enough to cheer me up properly.

Atleast I had my books with me. I read like crazy while we were there. I finished 10 books in a month. Big ones I might add. If I had nothing to read I would have gone crazy. Thank god for books.

I quickly shook my head. Wiping away the memories from last month. I was happy now.

What always matters is now..

I sat in silence for the last hours of our ride. I didn't read or listen to music. Just looked out from the window. Taking in the familiar views. I could feel myself getting more excited with each passing hour.

Two hours left Estelle, you got this. Hyping myself up is the best way I can endure this ride. Long car rides ain't for me. Especially nine hour long ones.

Maybe sleeping would help pass time quicker. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Author Note: I hope you guys like this chapter omg. Im still trying to get used to writing but I think its not that bad..right? The chapter length will get longer don't worry. We are slowly getting into the story.

Anyway the picture in the start is the house. They all live in familiar looking houses. The friendgroup I mean. Think of it as a site. One road filled with houses on both sides. Kind of like a holliday village. Bye for now..

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