Chapter 5

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Over the following weeks, Divya immersed herself in her work, demonstrating her creativity, dedication, and skills to her colleagues and superiors. She was assigned to assist senior designers on upcoming collections, contribute ideas to marketing campaigns, and even had the opportunity to present her own designs during team meetings.

As Divya flourished in her role, her confidence grew, and she found herself forming genuine connections with her coworkers. She discovered a supportive network of mentors and peers who encouraged her growth and celebrated her successes.

Meanwhile, Abhiraj observed Divya's progress from a distance, impressed by her determination and talent. He couldn't help but notice her passion for fashion and her unwavering commitment to her work. Despite his initial reservations, he found himself respecting her more with each passing day.

One afternoon, as Divya was engrossed in sketching new designs, Abhiraj approached her workstation. "Ms. Chauhan," he said, catching her attention. "I've been keeping an eye on your work, and I must say, I'm impressed."

Divya looked up, surprised to see Abhiraj standing before her. "Thank you, sir," she replied, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

Abhiraj nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'd like to discuss some ideas for our upcoming collection. Would you be interested in collaborating?"

Divya's eyes widened in excitement. "Of course, sir! I would love to collaborate with you."

Divya, still reeling from the unexpected offer, quickly gathered her thoughts. "What kind of ideas did you have in mind, sir?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Abhiraj pulled up a chair, his demeanor more relaxed than usual. "I've been thinking about fusion designs that blend traditional motifs with contemporary styles. I believe it could be a hit in both domestic and international markets," he explained."

That sounds fascinating," Divya responded enthusiastically. "I've been experimenting with some patterns that might complement that vision. They're inspired by our rich cultural heritage but with a modern twist."

Abhiraj nodded approvingly. "Show me what you've got," he said, intrigued.

Divya flipped through her sketchbook, stopping at a page filled with intricate designs. "Here," she said, pointing to a series of sketches. "I was thinking these patterns could be incorporated into the fabric itself, not just as prints but as part of the weave."

Abhiraj studied the sketches closely. "Impressive," he murmured. "This could indeed set our collection apart. Let's schedule a meeting with the fabric team. We need to explore the feasibility of your ideas."

"Thank you, sir. I'll prepare some samples and a detailed proposal for the meeting," Divya replied, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"Make sure you do that." Abhiraj nodded his head. "I hope you won't make me regret this decision of collaborating with you, Ms. Chauhan."

"I won't, sir." Divya said with determination.

 Abhiraj nodded his head before swiftly leaving for his cabin.


"Aisha, guess what!" Divya exclaimed the moment she entered her apartment startling the lady who was engrossed in her work with a laptop in the living room.

"What did you do now?" Aisha looked at her with narrowed eyes.

Divya pouted. "Why do you always assume I do something?"

Aisha rolled her eyes at the girl in front of her. "Because I have known you all my life, Divi. Now, tell me what did you do now? Did you finally impressed Abhiraj like your leader wanted?"

Divya huffed. "You know that matter is closed right? Stop teasing me, now."

Aisha chuckled. "Oh no, no, sweetie. You are going to hear this for your entire life. I have endured those nights when you would come and start you complaining about your boss and senior."

"I passionately dislike Abhiraj Singh Rathore." Divya said haughtily eliciting a laughter from Aisha.

"No, you don't" Aisha said after sobering up. "You are just saying it because he said if you just joined the company to act as a PA instead of learning. And, I don't blame him at that. He is right. You are holding grudge unnecessarily and it's already been since a month of that incident. Anyway let it slide, so what is it that you want to tell me?"

"Right" A huge grin appeared on Divya's face as she remembered what she was planning to tell her friend. "Guess who is going to work with COO?"

"Really?" Aisha's eyes lit up as she understood her words. "Oh my goodness. You are going to work with your idol, Divi. I can't believe it."

Aisha hurriedly put her laptop aside and engulfed Divya in a huge hug. "I am so happy for you. My Divi is all grown up now. She is no longer a little girl who used roam around in diapers. She is going to work with her idol now. I am so proud." Aisha wiped her imaginary tears.

Divya rolled her eyes at her drama. "Kyu buddhi auntiyon ki tarah baatein karr rahi hai drama queen. Tujhe koi movie mein nahi lega band karr ye 0 class acting. (Why are you talking like a oldies, drama queen? No body is going to take you in a movie so stop this 0 class acting of yours.)"

Aisha twisted her mouth. "Buzzkill"

"So, what would you like to have? I will prepare your favorite food today." Aisha said with excitement.

"No. Let's go the restaurant. We will have dinner then. I want to have something from the Rathore's" Divya said.

"Geez, you need to stop. I just had silly crush on him and that was years ago, Divi." Aisha rolled her eyes.

"So what? That doesnot mean I will stop hoping to see you getting married to him. Now, shoo, go and change while I will do the same. We are going to meet your lover boy" Divya said.

"That's what you have been saying for the past four years and we still haven't seen him yet." Aisha chuckled. "You say I am delusional while you are more than me."

"It's called manifesting, bestie. Now, go." Divya pushed Aisha.

Divya had been harboring a secret wish ever since she learned of Aisha's hidden affections. She harbored the hope that Aisha and Atharva would find their paths intertwined once more, and she was determined to play cupid in their tale. The thought of them together brought a smile to her face, and she was willing to move mountains to see it happen.

Her recent achievement at work, albeit small, filled her with a sense of fulfillment and propelled her forward. It was a stepping stone, she believed, not just for her career but for her personal mission as well. The satisfaction of reaching this milestone was sweet, but it was only the beginning.

The next chapter in her plan was already taking shape in her mind. She envisioned orchestrating a meeting between Aisha and Atharva, a reunion that could spark the romance she so eagerly anticipated. This wasn't just a fleeting thought; it was a goal she had set for herself, one of the pivotal reasons she had taken the position at Rathore Luxury Fashion.

Praying that this time they would get to meet the Chairman of Rathore Group of Companies, Divya went to change her dress before leaving for the restaurant with Aisha by her side.

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