"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied. I had been foolish.", he continued, looking at his brother.

Vincent looked at him stoically, not speaking up.

"I'll never do it again.", Ace said earnestly.

"You've broken my trust.", Vincent stated calmly.

"I'll never lie to you again or hide anything, I promise.", Ace promised firmly.

"Neither of us will lie to you again.", Dylan supported and the rest nodded, guilty and determined.

"Make sure there won't be a next time to this, else I'll appoint a personal guard to each of you to stay right by your side at all times, even at home.", Vincent warned sternly.

The siblings looked at him, shocked and repulsed at the thought of having a personal guard.

"We'll never lie to you again.", Ashton said intently.

Vincent didn't say anything after that and we were interrupted by their grandmother walking in.

She took her seat silently and soon, breakfast was served.

Their father didn't come and I wondered if he had left.

Vincent's breakfast was done and he stood up to take a call.

As he was walking past his siblings, answering the call, he gently ruffled Ace's hair before leaving.

That simple action was enough to convey his forgiveness and it made the entire tension in the room dissipate, relaxing everyone as Ace's lips curved up in relief.

I felt relieved seeing them.

Everyone stood up to leave as they were done with breakfast and I was the last one to leave, but paused when the unlikeable old woman spoke up.

"You, woman, stay back. I have something to talk with you.", Bianca Marino ordered arrogantly, still seated at the table while I was at the door, my back facing her.

That's it.

Yesterday, I let her disrespect slide since I didn't want the kids to get involved, but the woman's getting on my nerves.

Turning around, I looked her straight in the eyes, my face stoic and gaze authoritative.

"First, remember my name and address me politely by adding a 'Miss' in front of it, then I'll consider wasting a minute of my time on you.", I said stoically, my gaze dripping with arrogance and contempt.

Not waiting for her to respond, I walked out, closing the door behind.

As soon as I stepped out, I was slightly startled to see Aurelio standing beside the door, leaning back on the wall.

He looked at me with an amused smile.

"What?", I questioned calmly.

He shrugged, shaking his head.

I started walking past him, but he followed right behind, catching up to my pace, walking beside me.

"Have you ever heard the rumors that are associated with our family?", Aurelio asked casually.

"Are you trying to scare me off for giving your grandma a reply she deserved?", I asked, looking straight ahead.

"Not at all.", he replied immediately.

"Why are you asking then?", I questioned in a calm tone.

"Just because.", he replied.

I did not grace him with an answer.

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