Forgotten lover

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It's been what, months? And no sign of Viggo. The story had reached the villagers of Drananian, and now it was all that would be talked about.

After going good, Viggo left the careless ways and thought thrice before doing something that could cause potential harm. So him just leaving was something new. Hiccup had been so busy on finding him and running an empire he sometimes forgot about taking care of himself, which got the others worried.

"Hiccup, are you gonna join us to dinner?" Astrid asked her lover as she watched him go through his notes. "Yeah yeah sure, give me a minute." He answered not even looking up.

"You said that yesterday, and it never happened. And the day before...shall I go on?"

"I'm sorry, there's so many things that have been going on lately, more than usual for some reason."

"I know, but that doesn't mean you don't eat. If you won't come with me I will drag your ass now come on." She threatened. "He reluctantly agreed and followed her.

"Look at the guy who decided to join us today." Dagur joked

"Ha, funny." Hiccup replied joining the others on the table. "Heard what happened to Viggs and thought I'd join the search. Mala and Atali too." Dagur announced.

"I'm sure Viggo and riter are alright." Valka assured, "we'll find them, right now why don't we just enjoy dinner."

"Viggo my love, this would be so much easier if you would just listen, just tell me what I need to know and I'll let you go."

Silence. "Oh don't be like that," the woman laughed, "remember when we used to tell each other everything."

"We're nothing." The man in the cage spat. "Oh but we will be something, give me answers or else your little stupid dragon is gone, and you will be too. I'll give you time to make your choice love." The woman left. Viggo was hanging on a thin thread here, he gives them answers and you can say goodbye to Drananian, but if he doesn't, you cam say goodbye to him and his dragon.

It was just a normal early morning in Drananian, kind of. Except for the resent drama, everything else was going normal, giving Hiccup a small break, that he didn't take. Since it's been months, the other riders were starting to loose hope in ever finding their friend, that was until something happened that changed everything, like always.

"I just got a terror mail, it's from someone I've never heard from. You might wanna look at this Hiccup." Valka announced. Hiccup opened it, when his face dropped, same did everyone's. "I don't like that look Hiccup, what is it?" Astrid asked the question everyone what was wondering. "It's about Viggo, but it's not good...." He passes it to his lover, "oh great..."

"So we know where he is, right?" Dagur asked, again. "Yes Dagur," Hiccup replied annoyed. "So why are we not doing anything about it?" 

"Because we know nothing about this new enemy, if we want to save Viggo, we just can't walk in and except them to just hand him over, no. We need to learn about them, we need to know a way to enter their domain without causing an alarm." Astrid answered. "Thank you Astrid, now we need someone to sneak in without raising an alarm, and learn what we need to know to save Viggo, then deal with them later." Announced Hiccup.

"I think we know the best man for the job," Dagur said proudly. "I'll go," Valka suggested at the same time ignoring Dagur. "I was suggesting myself but we'll do it your on way." Dagur frowned.

"Are you sure?" Hiccup questioned a little bit unsure, "yes son, I'm sure. I'll head there at dusk." Hiccup nodded, though a gut feeling still kept him uneasy.

<•••>                                                                                                                                                                                              Valka landed on a sea stack not far from the island, as she looked upon the island, saying she was shocked would have been an understatement. The island was well guarded, maybe even better than Drananian. If this was the place that held Viggo, than Drananian was signed up for  a challenge they might not have a chance this time.

On the right wing of the island, there was a building that supposedly looked like a prison, "that's has to be where their holding Viggo," she whispered to no one in particular. Her eyes widened, the look of the island had surprised her, but seeing dragons being released from a stable and them roaming around freely without trying to escape, really took the cake. Unlike all enemies that Drananian had made, this one actually took proper care for their dragons. "Oh my..."

<•••>                                                                                                                                                                                               "So none of your little friends have come for you, how depressing. Are you sure they care for you Viggo." Said a female voice. "Hiccup is smarter than that."

"Yeah we'll see about that." She laughed.


sorry for being interactive but here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed <3

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