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Gobber was joyful than most days. He was going to train the teens on dragon killing, and maybe he'll give Hiccup the chance to show himself and stop the bullying. He couldn't stand the way he was treated, he was mad that his best friend who was also Hiccups father, did nothing about it. He went inside the forge and was surprised Hiccup wasn't there doing....whatever Hiccup does. He shrugged it off and thought he was getting ready for his first day of school, dragon killing school.

"Hiccup! Are you ready!" Stoick called out and frowned when he got no answer. Gobber had just told him he was not in the forge so he thought that he would be up in his room.

"Hiccup?" He called out again stepping on the last step of the stair case. He walked in his son's room but something was missing. He picked up the note from his bed and fell to his knees was he finished reading, "no..." was all he could mutter out.

Gobber almost jumped out of his boots....boot. Stoick shouted his name practically running lightning speed. "What's 'rong Stoick?" Stoick didn't respond but just handed him the letter. Gobber faced dropped like something else, the teens noticed but were to busy fighting the Gronckle to ask.

To Stoick and Gobber.

I'm sorry, not really but I had to. I've left Berk for good. You're probably wondering why? It's partially your fault Stoick, well, mostly your fault. I've been treated like an outcast my whole life, and I'm tired of it, I'm tired of you and that helheim you call Berk. I'll be fine not that you care anyway. I have my reason that you won't understand since your stubborn and hardheaded, I won't waste time explaining. I'm with Astrid since she insisted on coming, she'll be okay and we're politely asking not to look for us, it's not like you'll find us anyway. We have more important matters that we need to do, for us, and I'll like that you'll not interfere thanks, if you do find us, which you shouldn't, you'll not like what you'll see. Goodbye forever, Hopefully. And maybe you'll finally see a different way of living, I doubt it tho.


Saying Gobber was dumbfounded is an understatement. He understood he wasn't treated fairly, but what could be so important that he'll leave his village, Berk, his father and him.

Dragon training was cut short due to the horrible news. The village were all gathered together in the great hall as Gobber explained and read the letter, Stoick wasn't in the position to speak. "Stoick?" Gobber whispered to his friend distracting him out of his thoughts. "Why Gobber? Why did he leave?" "he had a reason to yer know? We should support 'im" Gobber was as sad, maybe even more, but he had to be there for Stoick. "We're leaving. To look for them!" Stoick announced and others scattered around for supplies they'll need, "r we coming?" Snotlout asked, "yeah, whatever." Stoick answered but his head was focused on one thing and one thing only, finding his runaway son, and the future shield maiden. The last thing he heard was Fishlegs complaining and Snotlout pushing him into joining them, and then slammed the doors behind him.

Weeks have passed, to the point they lost count of days. The Vikings were exhausted and worn out, but nothing, no trace of Hiccup and Astrid. It's like they've been wiped out of existence, and they thought that was the case, but refused to believe it. "Chief we should really head back," one of the tired Viking suggested, voices of others agreeing followed. Stoick didn't want to stop, but resources were running out which left him with no choice. Others had only joined him to look for Astrid, not really caring about Hiccup which angered Gobber even more than he already was, but Stoick ignored, typical.

Meanwhile that happened. A lot happened with Hiccup and Astrid. The death of the red death. To which Hiccup lost a leg but he didn't mind as long as the dragons were safe from her control, and most of them came back to their island, which was big enough for them to roam around freely without the worry of being killed, as they were protected by Hiccup and Astrid.

As they were living with only dragons and no humans, except each other of coarse, they learned the language of dragons, dragonese. Life was great and it seemed like it would continue as long as Berk wasn't in sight.

On Berk, Hiccup and Astrid were pronounced dead as they could barely even survive a day out there, and if they didn't die from hunger and dehydration, they were killed by dragons.

They held a 'funeral' for them. They didn't have bodies so they just put there closest belonging they had left in a ship and set it on fire. Stoick wasn't the same after that, neither were Astrid's parents. Depression took them over, Gobber and the council had to take Stoick's position as he wasn't able to do his chiefly duty's, the village was gloomy for a while, but returned back to normal like nothing happened. Since Snotlout was blood related, he became the new heir, and almost everyone wasn't happy about it, because, well, he's Snotlout.

Hiccup and Astrid were definitely having more luck than they were. The building of their new little village was being completed, and due to the help of their dragons, they were able to build faster. Hiccup felt free and of purpose. Astrid was now out of the pressure of being the best shield maiden there is, but that didn't stop her from training even harder. She and toothless helped Hiccup with his strength, stealth and skills. They would put him through the toughest training until his limbs felt numb. Yep, life was great. Can't say the same for Berk.

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