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"Who's Ryker?" Snotlout asked.

"My brother. Unfortunately."

"So your brother is alive, how's that bad?" Fishlegs asked puzzled.

"It's not a good thing." Viggo sighed.

"I'll explain." Hiccup interrupted, "so, when Viggo was still a dragon hunter, his brother double crossed him and took the shell fire. A tidal class dragon, to attack all our allies and us. Viggo got us to help him defeat him. He used the submaripper, a shellfire's natural enemy, to distract us as we took out the ships. Then the submaripper ate the dragon proof ship Ryker was on, that was attached to the shellfire's back. That's how we thought he was dead."

"And what about the dragon eye, I thought the one you have is the only one?"

"I made another one when they took the original. It fell in the ocean the same day Ryker 'died', cause i had it on me at that time, and we never saw it again."

"So this means big trouble, right."

"Yes Snotlout."

Everyone was worried, Drago was already enough to deal with, now Ryker, was another case. Even if Viggo was smarter, Ryker was stronger, making his ego higher. The worst thing he could do was team up with Drago, which is something he's most likely planning.

"We've taken Ryker down before, we'll take him down again." Heather said, trying to bring up the mood.

"Uh not exactly. He could team up with Drago for all we know."

"Hiccup, try not to be a pessimist for once."

"Hiccup Haddock?" They all turned to the hall doors where a tall slim woman stood, with people behind her.

"Mala? What are you...doing here?"

She walked in, "our island was attacked, the eruptodon has been taken once again." She sighed sadly, this could not be happening.

"Hey, we'll get it back. Not like this is our first time, right Viggo." Hiccup joked but got serious after earning a glare from the stronger man.

"Uhh, eruptu what now?" Asked the confused Snotlout.

"Eruptodon, a boulder class dragon." Fishlegs replied. "We'll help you with what we have. I'll get your dragon back, again, I promise."

When Mala and her troup got the things they need, Hiccup was forming the plan on getting their dragon back, again.

"Mala said that they sailed north from their island. Their multiple islands their good for making camp, and hiding a dragon that large." He explained. "We'll split up, by now they'd have already reached one of them. Heather with Dagur and Valka with Eret, Astrid, Viggo, your with me. Cami and Thora I need you to stay here and help who you can."

"He look, we're baby sitting!" Camilla answered sarcastically. Hiccup just rolled his eyes at her and left with the others.

"Hey son, can we talk."

"Can't. Busy." Then Hiccup proceeded to leave before the huge man could answer. Stoick had been trying to talk to his son for a while but he's always so busy. But he can't really blame him, he's leads a team of dragon riders and is the emperor of the most powerful empire this world has ever seen. He was proud to say the least, but still slightly disappointed.

Hiccup, Astrid and Viggo weren't having the best luck till....

"I think we found them." Astrid blurted out, earning the boys attention. There was a dialed with tents and a big campfire in the middle, deep voices singing, talking and laughing. Cages to the right with terrified and frightened dragons.

"Let's land in the forest, we'll them make our way up to the cages, silently." The followed the rider and landed as he said.

Ryker and his men were laughing there arses off. Having fun and they looked like they lowered their guard. Giving an opening to the three to get to the dragon proof cages.

There were a lot of hurt dragons including the eruptodon. Hiccup was able to silence the other dragons before getting them free, but after opening the last cage, where the eruptodon was stored, they were somehow surrounded.

"Hiccup. How nice it is to see you again." Ryker laughed. "And, brother. You're ridding a dragon. Now look who's giving the family a bad name."

Viggo growled under his breath. Even tho he was evil, he was still his brother, the little brother he was supposed to be there for.

Taking care of the hunters was easy, there was just many of them, and Viggo was busy taking care of his own brother.

"C'mon Viggo, we need to leave." Hiccup urged him, Viggo took the last glance before flying off in his Skrill. He was going to finish the fight.

Once they got the eruptodon back to the defeders of the wing, again, Viggo suddenly disappeared. At first they thought he was doing his own things back at drananian, but he was gone for a day with no one seeing him.

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