16 | Would You Still Be Thanking Me If You Knew Who I Were?

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I was back.

Back where he left me.

I couldn't escape him, no matter how hard I tried.

No matter how far I ran.

I would always end up back where it all began.

Or really, back where it all ended.

Back where everything broke down into pieces.

Or at least it did for me.

Maybe he was somewhere else, under the shade of the dark alleys, perfectly fine.

Not realising that his existence had shattered my heart into pieces. Or worse...not caring.

Because even though it was my fault that we were over, it wasn't like I had a choice.

It's called doing the right thing.

Something he wouldn't know anything about.

But no matter how much I wanted to hate him again, I couldn't. Because I still loved him.

There was nobody around as I slumped down against the brick wall, curling into myself; tears falling down my cheeks.

It was as if he had taken my soul with him, and there was nothing left of me except for this tragic, miserable, broken-hearted shell.

Because the real me wouldn't have cried like this over a man. The real me was strong.



But I didn't feel like any of those things.

All I felt was alone.

But unfortunately-or luckily, depending on how you see things- that didn't last long either.

A pair of grull demons appeared in front of me, causing me to jump to my feet in shock horror.

There was nobody around to help me.

I was completely alone.

Except I wasn't.

One of the demons lunged for me but I ducked, rolling away from its lethal grasp.

I had to run.

But I couldn't.

The second grull tackled me onto the wall, far stronger than me, despite how hard I fought against it's gnarled hands and papery skin.

"Let. Me. Go!" I screamed, kicking and punching the demon. But it made no difference.

The first demon joined us on the ground, adding extra weight on top of me and grabbing onto my neck.

I was struggling to breathe.

Kicking with all my strength, I managed to push one of the demons away from me, allowing me to push myself up a little.

But the demons were still on top of me.

Smothering me.

And very soon, asphyxiating me.

"Help!" I croaked, the fight slowly dying from my body. Nobody would hear me.

Not from here.

So, I thought to myself.

This is it.

This is how I would die.

I shut my eyes, allowing myself to succumb to everything my body wanted.

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