The Price of Hope

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The phone chimed. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the flip phone. A loud whimper escaped his lips. Taking a breath, he looked at the text. "Tete, wait for me at our usual spot." Jungkook reminded him to wait at their secret room, the room that wasn't so secret anymore.

Confusion gnawed at him. He needed answers, so he decided to wait. Silently sinking back into the chair, he began to sob. He craved an explanation. The beating, the rumors - it all meant nothing compared to the betrayal by Jungkook, the searing pain he inflicted.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Taehyung waited, a prisoner of his own hope. The tears that fell silently stung his right cheek.

"Tete, wait for me at our usual spot." He received a message on his flip phone ten hours ago, the glow accusingly illuminating the darkness. Memories flooded his mind, vivid and painful. He clutched the phone tightly, his knuckles turning white. Tears stung his brusied and swollen right cheek, a fresh wound from the day.

He was waiting quietly for him. It was night. Everything was silent.

Night had fallen, cloaking the world in an inky silence. Yet, Taehyung remained, a solitary figure swallowed by the darkness.

Taehyung glanced at the phone. It was 11:00 PM. He should leave. His grandma must be worried sick. With a sigh, he stood up and placed the phone, scarf, and gloves on a table – all things from Jungkook that he no longer wanted. He didn't need those memories.

He walked slowly towards the exit. As expected, the school was deserted. Thankfully, the main gate was still open. The bus would not be available at this hour, so walking was his only option.

A distant honk startled him. He turned to see a vehicle flashing its lights at him. He squeezed his eyes shut as the vehicle pulled up beside him. It was a taxi. The driver rolled down the window. "Student," he said with a smile, "what are you doing out this late? Hop in, I'll give you a ride home. No charge."

Taehyung eyed the driver cautiously. Something about his gaze made him uneasy. He didn't trust him. Without a word, Taehyung continued walking.

Suddenly, a hand clamped down over Taehyung's mouth, stifling his scream. He struggled against the grip, realizing with a jolt that it belonged to the taxi driver. The man dragged him towards the car, a menacing glint in his eyes. Panic surged through Taehyung, but his struggles were futile. He tried to scream, but the driver snarled, "One sound, and you're dead."

Taehyung froze, his mind racing. As the driver shoved him into the back seat, a glint of metal caught his eye. It was an emergency hammer! In a desperate lunge, he grabbed it and swung it with all his might, connecting with the driver's head. The driver roared in pain, momentarily stunned.

Seizing his chance, Taehyung flung open the door and bolted. He was running for his life. The driver was chasing him. He couldn't see anything ahead. His eyes were filled with tears, making his vision blurry. Everything was black. He could hear his own breath, insects chirping, and the man was behind him trying to catch him.

'Run, run, run' he was muttering. Then suddenly he lost his right foot and screamed in pain.

He looked up just in time to see the driver looming over him, a cruel smile twisting his face. But before the driver could advance, a set of flashing lights sliced through the darkness. A night patrol car. The officers saw Taehyung's crumpled form and the menacing figure above him, instantly recognizing the situation.

Taehyung stammered, "H-help me... He..." His voice choked with fear, unable to form a complete sentence. The officers understood. One stayed with him while the other apprehended the driver.

The officers wanted to question him about the night's events, the bruise blooming on his right cheek. But Taehyung remained silent, his voice choked by a mixture of fear and exhaustion. The officers, sensing his state, decided not to press him further. Their main concern was getting him home safely. They advised him to visit the hospital as soon as possible for his injuries, and Taehyung could only manage a weak nod in response.

They drove him home. His worried grandma, who had been waiting up all night, rushed to him the moment she saw him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced him tightly. "Where were you?" she sobbed. "I was so worried sick!"

Her gaze fell upon his bruised cheek, widening in shock. "W-what happened?" she stammered, her eyes darting between Taehyung and the officers. One of the officers took the initiative, explaining the evening's events in a calm and reassuring manner.

Throughout it all, Taehyung remained silent. A searing pain shot through his right ankle with every moment. He gritted his teeth, the throbbing agony a renteless drumbeat in his ear. Ignoring the sharp protest of his body, he slowly retreated to his room, closing the door behind him with a soft click. The only sound that broke the silence was the quiet tremor of his sobs.


Oblivion. To wash away every memory, every laugh, every tear, like a bad dream evaporating in the morning light. Time, a relentless tide, would erode the sharp edges of this pain, leaving behind a dull ache. Perhaps, someday, even that ache would fade, replaced by a quiet peace. That's the fragile hope I cling to, the distant promise that whispers of a future where I can finally breathe again.

𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏 ❜ 𝐕𝐊Where stories live. Discover now