First Steps

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Taehyung shoved the phone deep into his school bag, his heart hammering against his ribs. He couldn't lose it. What if Jungkook wanted it back? He couldn't afford to replace it.

Whispers swirled through the hallways as he entered school. Girls huddled together, their voices laced with excitement. 'What's going on?' Taehyung wondered, a knot of unease tightening in his stomach.

Taehyung reached his classroom to find Jungkook already occupying his seat. Taehyung's face flushed as Jungkook smirked. "Please don't skip morning classes," Jungkook drawled, his voice dripping with amusement.

Heat rose to Taehyung's cheeks. That was the message he'd sent Jungkook, a stupid, impulsive act he now deeply regretted.

"Now, what?" Jungkook leaned back, a smug look on his face.

Before Taehyung could stammer a reply, the classroom door burst open. Lee Young Jae and Kim Yejun, two of Jungkook's friends, barged in, laden with snacks.

"Here," Yejun said, tossing a packet of Honey Butter Chips at Jungkook.

"Oh, hey Tete," Young Jae snickered, spotting Taehyung. "Want some?" He gestured to the food with a pointed laugh.

Jungkook's expression hardened. "Shut up," he muttered, shoving the snacks in his bag.

Young Jae chuckled, unfazed by Jungkook's cold response.

Taehyung retreated further into his seat, his heart pounding in his chest. An argument erupted between Young Jae and Yejun about their weekend plans – arcade or karaoke.

They bombarded Jungkook with questions, but he offered a disinterested shrug, claiming he didn't care.

Suddenly, both pairs of eyes swiveled towards Taehyung. He flinched under their scrutiny, unsure how to respond. Jungkook was staring at him too, an expectant glint in his eyes.

Feeling pressured, Taehyung mumbled, "Arcade."

"Arcade it is, then!" Yejun declared. He turned to Taehyung, a wide grin on his face. "You're coming with us, right?"

Taehyung hesitated. The thought of going to the arcade, a place he'd never been before, filled him with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He stole a glance at Jungkook, who was studying him intently.

The bell shrilled, signaling the start of class. Mr. Baek shuffled in, his stack of textbooks held precariously in his arms. As he launched into his lecture, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the day had in store for him.

Lunchtime found Taehyung savoring a packet of Honey Butter Chips, an unfamiliar flavor that surprised him with its sweetness. He munched contentedly until he realized Jungkook was staring at him. A blush crept up his cheeks, and he self-consciously lowered his gaze.

"So, about the arcade..." Jungkook began, his voice nonchalant as he propped his head on his desk.

Taehyung's heart hammered in his chest. Was Jungkook inviting him? Should he go? He stammered, "Uh, no, I..."

Jungkook cut him off, his voice devoid of emotion. "No thanks," he mumbled, closing his eyes as if dismissing the conversation.

Taehyung's appetite vanished. Had he said something wrong? The silence stretched between them, thick and uncomfortable, until the bell shrilled, signaling the end of the lunch break.

As he filed back to class, Taehyung couldn't resist whispering, "I, uh, I've never actually been to an arcade."

Jungkook didn't respond, leaving Taehyung with a gnawing sense of uncertainty.

In class, Taehyung couldn't tear his attention away from Jungkook. He stole glances at him repeatedly, his heart twisting with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Jungkook, however, remained oblivious, his gaze fixed on his notebook. Feeling a fresh wave of hurt, Taehyung bolted from his seat the moment the bell rang. He fled the classroom without a backward glance.

Taehyung returned home from school, his mind swirling with confusion. He greeted his grandma, who was setting the dinner table. Her keen eyes immediately noticed his troubled expression.

"Is everything alright, tete?" She inquired kindly. "You seem lost in thought. Sometimes, a walk in the fresh air can clear your head."

Taehyung contemplated her words. "Maybe I should go..." He muttered.

A smile softened his grandma's features. "That's a wonderful idea," she encouraged.

Alone in his room, Taehyung stared at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of indecision. "Should I text him?" he thought aloud, the question echoing in the quiet.

A sudden chiming notification from his phone startled him. His heart lurched in his chest. Who could be texting him at this hour? He cautiously reached for his phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he unlocked it.

It was a message from Jungkook. The sight of his name sent a thrill of anticipation through him. What did the message say?

Taehyung's heart hammered in his chest as he stared at his phone. The message on the screen burned into his retinas: "Come to arcade." His hands trembled slightly as he typed a reply. "Okayy, I'm coming."

A playful response from Jungkook chimed in: "Where? ;)"

Confusion clouded Taehyung's mind. "Where?" he echoed, rereading the message.

Another text arrived from Jungkook: "Do you know where the arcade is kkk?"

Taehyung's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "No," he typed back sheepishly.

Jungkook immediately sent the address of the arcade.

The conversation ended with goodbyes, leaving Taehyung in a bubble of nervous excitement. Sleep evaded him that night. He tossed and turned, his mind replaying images of the upcoming arcade visit. While he worried momentarily about what to wear the next day, a wave of happiness washed over him. He couldn't wait for their arcade adventure. With a wide smile on his face, he finally drifted off to sleep.



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