Where it All Began

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The past, which Taehyung desperately tried to forget, was in front of him.


Jungkook's whispered "See you tomorrow," echoed in Taehyung's ears, keeping him awake most of the night.

He woke up early, unable to shake off the encounter. "It's too early," he muttered, glancing at the clock beside him, "5:45."

After brushing his teeth, an idea struck him. He decided to make breakfast for his grandma, making things easier for her in the morning. He whipped up some rice soup and side dishes, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he finished.

After setting the table, he went to shower. Upon returning to the kitchen, he found his grandma already seated, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "You shouldn't have done this," she said kindly.

"I wanted to," he replied with a sigh.

After breakfast, he headed to school, his steps lagging as he neared his classroom. He slipped into his seat quietly, finding only a few students chatting. As usual, Jungkook was absent. Taehyung sighed and buried himself in his book. Mr. Baek's lecture seemed to drone on forever.

Lunchtime arrived. Taehyung lingered near the familiar room, his heart pounding a conflicting rhythm. He was near the room door, he reached the doorway, his hand hovering near the knob, muttering quietly to himself, "Should I go, or should I don't go?" 

Suddenly, a voice pierced the silence from inside the room. "Didn't I tell you to come eat here?" It was Jungkook, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Taehyung took a hesitant step forward, feeling Jungkook's scrutinizing stare as he entered the room. He was directed to a seat near the window, his mind swirling with questions about Jungkook's motives. Snacks were already laid out on the table.

"Eat," Jungkook commanded.

Taehyung flinched as Jungkook appeared behind him seemingly out of nowhere. He had brought his own banana milk for lunch.

"The fuck? Who drinks banana milk? Don't you have any money?" Jungkook scoffed. "Eat this." He shoved a protein bar toward Taehyung.

Before Taehyung could protest, Jungkook cut him off. "Do what I say, or I'll shove everything in your mouth."

Taehyung froze, fear gripping him. Jungkook snatched his banana milk and began drinking it. "You eat this, too," he said, pointing toward the desk where snacks was.

"Why should I?" Taehyung finally managed, a flicker of anger sparking in his eyes.

"If someone asked you nicely," Jungkook countered, "you should do it without questioning it."


Jungkook cut him off again. "Eat. I'm bored right now." With that, he strode towards a locker in the room, rummaging through it with a key. Taehyung cautiously glanced over to see Jungkook returning with a Nintendo Switch in his hand.

"You can't have this at school," Taehyung stammered, nervously opening the snack packet.

"Wanna play?" Jungkook smirked.

"Nope. It's against the rules," Taehyung mumbled between chews of the protein bar.

A surprised laugh escaped Jungkook's lips. 'His voice is sweet,' Taehyung thought, a strange flutter in his chest.

"Then entertain me," Jungkook said, his playful facade replaced by seriousness.

"How?" Taehyung blurted, hesitant to be treated like an errand boy.

Jungkook shrugged, leaving Taehyung hanging in the tense silence.

After a long pause, Jungkook spoke, his voice devoid of its usual arrogance. "Tell me about you, Tete?"

Taehyung stared at him, unsure how to respond. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension.

Taehyung's heart sank when Jungkook called him that nickname. "You don't like it?" Jungkook asked, peering at his face. "It's cute, actually."

Taehyung froze, stealing a glance at him. Jungkook was already engrossed in his game again. He had a million questions swirling in his head, but before he could voice any, the shrill ring of the bell pierced the air.

It was time to go. Taehyung lingered, hoping Jungkook would suggest they walk to class together. He crossed his fingers behind his back, but Jungkook just muttered, "Go," without sparing him another look.

Taehyung shrugged and headed downstairs. As he rounded a corner on the staircase, a hand clamped roughly on his collar.

"Hey! Where the hell have you been? Ignoring us again?" Minseok snarled, his voice laced with fury.

Taehyung struggled against his grip. "I wasn't ignoring you, I just..." he stammered.

"Speak up, Tete!" Doyoon mocked, and the others burst into laughter.

Their laughter died down abruptly as they noticed three figures approaching. It was Jungkook, Kim Yejun, and another boy Taehyung didn't recognize.

"Ooh, a bullying session in progress? Can we join the fun?" the unfamiliar boy smirked.

"Young Jae, shut up," Yejun hissed, then turned to Taehyung with a sly grin. "Tete, long time no see."

"Let's go back to class," Jungkook announced, glancing briefly at Taehyung before sauntering away with his friends.

Minseok's minions trembled, muttering about complaints. He shoved Taehyung towards their classroom and they scurried off.

Taehyung stood there, frozen in thought. He slowly made his way to class, feeling a million eyes burning into his back. It was the first time he'd ever been late.

Whispers swirled around him like a storm. He felt a wave of nausea as he scanned the room, finding every eye fixed on him. Except for Jungkook's. Should he be grateful? he thought bitterly.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. It was finally time to go home.

The walk to his bus stop felt longer than usual. As he settled into his usual seat by the window, he glanced outside and saw Jungkook staring at him.

Jungkook remained an enigma, his motives shrouded in mystery.

Taehyung entered the house, his mind buzzing with questions about Jungkook's behavior. He kicked off his shoes and was met by the gentle sight of his grandma watering their sunflowers. "Tete, dinner's ready," she called out, her voice soft as she tended to the flowers.

His grandma, a retired worker, relied on her pension to supplement their income. Despite their financial limitations, they shared a warm and loving home.

Later that night, as Taehyung lay in bed, a determined thought crossed his mind. "One day, I'll be able to take care of Grandma," he whispered to himself, a newfound resolve settling over him before sleep claimed him.

𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏 ❜ 𝐕𝐊Where stories live. Discover now