Part 14

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"I heard screaming so I went to look and make sure everyone was alright. I saw a villain, he looked weird. But what was oddest was that he had two quirks. One seemed to be strength and the other regeneration." I say, rubbing my forehead. I know I told Mitsuri to hit me, but we both forgot about her strength quirk. My head is pounding.

"What happened after that?" The hero asks. I frown as I gather my thoughts.

"Someone appeared and started fighting the villain. I assumed it was a hero until they cut off the villain's arm. The arm regrew completely within a minute, but when the villain's head got cut off, it turned to dust."

"How did you get knocked out?"

"Well I heard something behind me and I turned around and saw another villain. That one knocked me out."

"I'm so glad you are okay, Obanai-Chan!!!!" Mitsuri cries, putting her head on my chest. I absently play with the end of one of her braids.

"Is that all you saw?" The hero asks.


"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"I think I'm okay."

"I'll carry you, Obanai-Chan!" Mitsuri exclaims.

"Wait- No!" I protest to no avail as she picks me up.

"Wait- No!" I protest to no avail as she picks me up

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Apparently I passed. Instead of having Recovery Girl completely heal my ankle, I asked her to let me use crutches instead, because I didn't want to be super sleepy. She agreed as long as I let her heal it before the camp.

When I hobble back into class the next day, Midoriya walks up to me.

"Are you okay? How did you get hurt? It was really hard to see."

I blush slightly and look at my foot. "I tripped." I mutter.
Bakugo bursts out laughing as he props his feet on his desk.
"Oh shut up." I grumble, sitting down.

Class passes as normal and after school we all go shopping together. I manage to convince Nii-Chan to come, which is fun.

"So this is your brother?" Midoriya asks when we arrive.

"Yup! This is Giyuu Nii-Chan!"

"Cool! Are you really a samurai? What is your quirk?" Midoriya starts firing questions at him. Nii-Chan looks a bit uncomfortable and answers the questions with as few words as he can.

Eventually we all split up and Nii-Chan and I are left with gravity girl and broccoli. Nii-Chan's eyes are scanning the area around us, always looking for danger.

"What do you need to get, Deku?" Gravity girl asks. Before I can hear his reply, Nii-Chan puts his hand on my back and guides me away.

"What is wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. We just need to get your stuff." He replies.

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